Anna Haufler

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 2 February 1910, page 3

A case of alleged wholesale desertion has been reported to the Newport police and the members of the force have been given instructions by Chief Lickert to locate if possible the whereabouts of the wife of George L Haufler and four children.

Haufler whose home is on upper York st. told Chief Lickert that while he was asleep last Monday night his wife and children, Bertha, 17; Clara, 13; Anna, 11 and George, 10, disappeared from the home. Haufler told the police that he knew of no reason why his family should leave and could give to information to the police as to where the missing members of the family could have gone. The oldest girl had been employed as a tailoress but she has not been to her place of employment since Monday.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 February 1910, page 3

The mystery surrounding the disapperance of Mrs. Anna Kaufler (sic) and her four children from their home, 1130 Orchard st. Newport Monday night is still unsolved and the police are at sea as to the whereabouts of the missing people. George L Kaufler (sic) husband of the missing woman and father of the children, is distracted over the turn in affairs in this domestic life.

He closed up his home yesterday and left word with the family occupying the flat below the one he is living in that he intended to be away a week in search for the missing members. The family occupying the downstairs flat heard Mrs. Kaufler and her children whispering in the hallway Monday night before they took their departure. Kaufler (sic) was asleep when the members comprising his family took their departure.

A brother of the missing woman was a guest at the Kaufler home some months ago and later left for his home in Germany. Mrs. Kaufler came from Germany previous to locating in Newport.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 5 February 1910, page 5

The mysterious disappearance from their home on Orchard st. Newport last Monday of Mrs. Anna Haufler and her four children was cleared up late yesterday afternoon when they called at Police Headquarters and sough advice as to what they should do. Mrs. Haufler told the police they have been staying at a rooming house at 26 East Ninth st. Cincinnati and she also admitted she and her children slipped away from home when her husband was asleep.

She said they feared Haufler, because of the spells he was stricken with at times. She told the police that she would not return home again. Little other information could be obtained from the woman regarding their domestic affairs and Sergeant Cottingham referred her to County Judge Hawkins.


Anna Haufler (nee Wittmer) wife of the late George Haufler and beloved mother of George Haufler, Mrs. Anna Low, Mrs. Clara Rowas, died Thursday, January 26, 1939, of 66 East Clifton av. Cincinnati. Funeral Monday January 30, from the Nurre Bros mortuary at 2 pm. Remains may be viewed second floor parlors.


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