Anna Guerrea

Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 June 1925, page 1

Miss Anna Guerrea, 20, of 1005 Ann st. Newport, was killed in an auto accident on the Dixie Highway near Walton. Miss Guerra, sister of "Midge" Guerrea, bantam weight boxer, was killed and five companions were hurt when the auto in which they were riding plunged 40 feet off a bridge on the Dixie Highway near Walton, Ky. She was pinned beneath the auto on railroad tracks.

Miss Guerrea several years ago shot a sweetheart during a quarrel. She was acquitted and since the tragedy had made her home with a sister, Mrs. Anthony Simmonds, Gilbert av. Cincinnati.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 30 June 1925, page 1

Miss Anna Guerrea, 20, of 1005 Ann st. Newport, killed in an auto accident on the Dixie Highway, near Walton will be buried from her late residence Wednesday morning. Requiem mass will be celebrated at Corpus Christi Church, Newport at 9 am. Interment will be in St Stephen Cemetery. Miss Guerrea, a sister of "Midget" and Tony Guerrea, boxers, was killed when an auto in which she was riding with a group of friends crashed through the guard railing of a bridge near Walton.


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