Anna Guerrea

Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 July 1922, page 1


Miss Ann Guerrea, 20, of 24 W 13th st. Newport, will tell a jury to be impaneled Tuesday afternoon by Dr. Walter B Hughes, Campbell co coroner, that Ralph Acito, 27,of 1975 Harrison av. Cincinnati, whom she shot at her home Saturday met death through a childhood desire to wed her. So strong was this desire, Miss Guerrea said Monday at the Newport jail where she is held, that he threatened her life on several occasions unless she marched to the marriage altar with him.

On last Thursday night Miss Guerra said Acito threatened to kill her unless she would marry him. "He pointed at pistol at my head and said he would snuff out my life," she says, "and then he fired out of the auto which we were riding to prove the pistol was loaded. There are four more bullets in the gun, two for me and two for you." she says he told her as they rode in the auto.

When he pointed the pistol at her she said he handed her this note signed by him: "I am debating as to what I should do. So I have decided to kill you. I am about to commit a crime, but the fault in her is not mine. there is no law that can find a flaw." Miss Guerrea will also tell the jury that Acito accused her of "making a fool of him." she said.

"Are you still carrying that gun?" she asked. "He reached beneath his coat as to get the gun, making no answer. I ran into the house, secured a pistol from the drawer, ran to the kitchen door and fired two shots. He fell." The young woman said she had known Acito since childhood. Frequently he told her of his love. In later years he made evident he wanted to keep company with her. However, they have been keeping company only during the last few months. "While I was at the home of a friend, Mrs. Lillian Daughters, Covington, he threatened me three times. It has just been one threat after another."

Miss Guerrea stated that many of her friends knew of the threats made by Acito, who will be buried Tuesday. These friends will be summoned as witnesses at teh coroner's hearing.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 July 1922, page 1

Relatives of Ralph Acito, 27 of Cincinnati, one of the principals in Newport's "love murder" were to attend the hearing of Miss Anna Guerrea, 20, of Newport, his slayer before a jury to be impaneled by Dr. Walter B Hughes, Campbell co coroner, Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm.

According to Dr. Hughes, Acito's relatives told him early Tuesday they would attend the hearing. Miss Guerrea said she killed Acito because he threatened her life unless she married him. Acito was buried at St Joseph cemetery Tuesday morning.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 July 1922, page 1

That Ann Guerrea, 20 of Newport, confessed slayer of Ralph Acito in Newport's "love murder" must pay for the snuffing out of her brother's life was the declaration of Mary Acito, 17, Wednesday. So strong is her desire to have her brother's death avenged she swore to an affidavit charging Miss Guerrea with willful murder after a jury impaneled by Dr. Walter B Hughes, Tuesday returned a verdict stating she killed Acito in self-defense.

"The jury was not given all the facts," declared Miss Acito. "It was never proven the gun found on the bed at the Guerrea home belonged to my brother. Neither was it proven that the note was written by Ralph. Why, if he intended to kill her on Saturday night, when she shot him, did he give my brother Michael money to purchase refreshments and food for a party to be held Sunday at which Anna was invited to attend?" asks the sister.

Miss Acito told officers her brothers diamond and two gold rings are missing. She said she is sure he wore them when he left home Saturday night. Miss Guerrea said she did not see the rings or the diamonds. After being arrested, Miss Guerrea was released on $1000 bond. Blaine McLaughlin is attorney for Miss Guerrea.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 February 1923, page 1

The murder charge against Anna Guerrea, E 13th st. Clifton, who killed Ralph Acioto in a "love quarrel" last summer, was dismissed.


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