Andrew W Stevens

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 August 1921, page 1

Andrew Stevens, 28, of 328 Columbia st. Newport was recovering from multiple cuts and bruises at his home Tuesday, sustained in an automobile accident in Cincinnati Monday.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 30 August 1921, page 1

Newport police Tuesday continued their search for a woman who was with George Sanders, 23, of 813 Brighton st. Newport, when he and Andrew Stevens, 328 Columbia st Newport were shot on the Licking pike near Newport, early Monday. The men were shot during a scuffle, after Stevens attempted to arouse Sanders, who was sleeping in an automobile with the woman and which was parked across the road.

Sanders who is charge with shooting with intent to kill, was reported improved at Speers Hospital Tuesday.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 September 1921, page 1

Trial of George Sanders, Newport, charged with shooting with intent to kill Andrews Stevens, Columbia st. Newport was continued by Judge A M Caldwell, Thursday. Stevens told the court he did not care to prosecute Sanders, who shot him several weeks ago on the Licking Pike, south of Newport. Sanders also was shot.


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