Andrew and Billy Saelinger


Submitted by Carol Sanman February 18, 2014


Kentucky Post, Nov. 6, 1930, Page 1



Mother and Youngest Child Flee to safety


Bodies of Pair Found in Heap at Basement Stairs


A father and his crippled son perished Thursday in a fire at their home, Cold Spring, the father the victim of an heroic but futile attempt to rescue his son from the burning building—a tragic climax to a series of misfortunes for the family.

The dead: Andrew Saelinger, 60, farmer, and Billy Saelinger, 35, both of Dodsworth-lane, Cold Spring. Two other members of the family, Mrs. Anna Saelinger, and a younger son, Edwin, escaped in their night clothing from the house.  

Picture of the fire ruins is shown on page 5.

Saelinger had arisen early Thursday and started a fire in the kitchen stove.  He then left the house to attend to stock on the farm. When he came back the building was a mass of flames. Saelinger went into the house and aroused his wife and Edwin, who were sleeping on the first floor, then went to the second floor to save his crippled son.

Bodies are Found

Saelinger carried the cripple to the foot of the stairs.  Here he apparently was overcome by smoke, and both he and his son were burned to death.  The two bodies, burned almost beyond recognition, were found huddled together in the basement at the foot of the steps after the fire.  

Neighbors summoned the Ft. Thomas Fire Department.  Firemen under Chief B. J. Nieleander battled the flames several hours, but were unable to save the structure.  The house, a two-story frame, burned like so much tinder. The water supply in a well nearby was exhausted and several tanks of water were sent to the scene from Ft Thomas.  

Many Misfortunes

The family has been very unfortunate recently, neighbors said.  Crops had not been good due to the prolonged drought this season.  Mrs. Saelinger had been sent to a hospital three times because of illness and the youngest son, Edwin, had returned home only several weeks ago from a hospital, where he had undergone an operation.

Saelinger is survived by three daughters, Sadie and Olivia, Cold Spring and Maria Saelinger, who is studying to be a nune, and three sons, Edwin-at home; Joseph Saelinger, Winters Lane, Cold Spring and Carl Saelinger, Newport.

Bodies of Saelinger and his son were taken in charge by Muehlenkamp, Costigan and Roll, Newport undertakers.  Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Dr. Walter B. Hughes, Campbell CO. Coroner, is conducting an investigation.

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