Ana Maria Klare

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 July 1903,  page 1

CHARRED BODY-Burns resulting from placing an oil can on a range caused the death Tuesday of Mrs. Henry Clare (sic) 52, of 911 Second Avenue, Dayton Ky. While filing a lamp in her summer kitchen Monday evening, she thoughtlessly set the can down on the hot range and seeing her mistake, attempted to remove it when with a loud report the oil exploded and the flames enveloped her.

Neighbors attracted by her screams, made futile efforts to smother the flames with rugs. Her clothing was entirely consumed. Mrs. Clare, terribly charred and in intense agony, was being removed to Speers Hospital with the husband returned home. He found firemen extinguishing the burning summer kitchen.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 29 July 1903, page 5

DAYTON-The funeral of Mrs. Henry Clare (sic) who was burned to death in her home Monday, will take place Thursday from St Francis Church. Rev Schmidt will officiate at a requiem high mass after which the remains will be laid to rest in St Francis Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 30 July 1903, page 5

LAID TO REST-The funeral of Mrs. Henry Clare, who was burned to death by the explosion of a kerosene oil can last Monday evening, while she was preparing the evening meal, took place Thursday with services from St Francis Church. Rev Schmidt officiated. The remains were laid to rest in St Francis Cemetery.


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