Alvin Alford

Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 13 November 1904, page 2

Alvin Alford, a prominent citizen of Alexandria Ky. died yesterday after a week's fearful suffering, the result of an attack of tetanus. Some time ago he fell while trying to mount a horse.  The animal stepped on his hand, lacerating that member badly. Gangrene set in and notwithstanding all efforts of his physicians to prevent it, lockjaw ensued.

The deceased was 34 years of age and leaves a wife and three children.  He was a member of Alexandria Lodge K of P and that body will have charge of the funeral.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 November 1904, page 5

Alvin Alfred, prominent in Alexandria, died Saturday night after a week's terrible suffering, the result of an attack of tetanus. Some time ago he fell while trying to mount a horse and the animal stepped on his hand, lacerating the member badly. Gangrene set in which resulted in lockjaw, despite the efforts of the physicians to prevent it.


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