Alexander Campbell and Kate Ellis


Information comes from the Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky of the Dead and Living Men of the Nineteenth Century

Published by J M Armstrong & Company 1878


ELLIS, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, Lawyer, son of William G and Susan Arnold Ellis was born August 6, 1830 in Campbell County, Kentucky.  His father and grandfathers on both sides, settled in Campbell County (that later became Kenton County) when it was yet a wilderness, and were among the most worthy, valuable men of the early days of the Commonwealth.  A C Ellis received a thorough education in the private schools of the country and as a pupil of Prof. Mead at Covington.  He bgan to teach school at an early age; and after pursuing the avocation for several years, took a thorough course of select study in Cincinnati.

In 1856 he had charge of a flourishing school in Bourbon County; and in the Fall of the same year, received the appointment of Deputy Clerk for the Kenton Circuit Court, occupying the position for nine years.  In 1858 he was appointed to fill the unexpired term of his father as Commissioner for the Public-schools of the county;  was elected Clerk of the County Court of Kenton County in 1866; was re-elected in 1870, serving eight years; commenced reading law in 1856; continued his leag studies during his service in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court; and was admitted to the bar in 1862, but did not engage in active practice until after retiring from the office of County Clerk in 1874.

He has since pursued with flattering success, the practice of his profession at Covington.  In 1865 he was elected member of the School Board; was re-elected in 1872, serving four years; and in 1867 was elected member of the City Council, but resigned before the expiration of his term.  He is a man of admirable personal appearance; of exceptional personal and professional habits; is a cautious, energetic business man; has a high sense of personal and professional honor; and occupies a fine position at the bar.

He has always been a Democrat in politics; and since his twentieth year has been a zealous member of the Disciples' Church.  Mr. Ellis was married, July 8, 1859, to Mrs. Kate Hereford, nee Blackburn.  They have six living children.


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