Albert Stevens

Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 September 1903, page 5

DROWNED-Albert Stevens, 13, of Eighth Street below Isabella, Newport, was drowned in the Ohio River at the foot of Berry Street Thursday afternoon. He was with a number of companions in bathing behind the old pipe foundry. He went out too far, got into an eddy where they current is swift and was drowned. His companions made a desperate attempt to save him and one lad got out in a skiff to help him.

He had the a hold on the drowning boy's hand but could not lift him out. The body was recovered soon after and taken to Betz Morgue to be prepared for burial.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 5 September 1903, page 5

RRIVER VICTIM-The funeral of Albert Stevens, the 13 year old boy at 318 West Eighth Street, Newport, who was drowned at the foot of Berry Street, will take place Sunday afternoon, with services at the home. The remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer,  Sunday, 6 September 1903, page 10

NEWPORT-The funeral of Albert Stevens, the thirteen year old boy who was accidentally drowned in the Ohio River, will take place this afternoon with services from the residence, 318 West Eighth street. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 September 1903, page 3

FUNERAL-The funeral of Albert Stevens, the 13 year old boy who was accidentally drowned in the Ohio River, took place Sunday afternoon with services from the residence, 318 West Eighth Street Newport. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.


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