Albert Tell Root

Kentucky Post,  Monday, 24 December 1906

"Albert T Root, Prominent Attorney Expired Suddenly at his Home"

Death came to Albert T Root, a prominent member of the Campbell-co bar, almost without warning yesterday afternoon at his home, Front and Columbia-sts. in Newport.  When he arose yesterday he seemed to be in good health.  Shortly after dinner he took a short walk and upon his return complained of heartburn.  His daughter Mrs. Wright, hastened to procure some water, but before she could give it to him, he fell to the floor unconscious.  A physician was summoned and before he could arrive Root had expired.  His death was due to cerebral hemorrhage.

He was 62 years of age, was born and raised in Campbell-co and was educated at Miami University.  He studied law under his father, Ira Root and in 1877 was elected City Attorney of the city of Newport.  So well and faithfully did he fulfill the duties of this office that he was re-elected three times.

He was married in 1877 and the result of this union was four daughters and one son.  He was a deep student not only of the law but of other subjects.  In 1890 he formed a partnership with his brother, Oliver Root and this continued until the death of the later.  Six children are: Mrs. James C Wright Jr. Mrs. Bailey Morlidge, Miss Lucille and Miss Susan Root.  Ex-city attorney Horace Root is his stepson. (Note: he is also his nephew)


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