Albert C Breith
Cincinnati Post, Tuesday, 27 October 1903, page 2
COUNCILMAN DEAD-Albert C Breith, 64, a Civil War veteran and former Newport Ky.
Councilman, died suddenly Monday night at his home, 544 East Third Street,
Newport, from heart failure. He was a grocer for many years.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 October 1903, page 5
SUDDEN DEATH-Albert C Breith, died this afternoon he was feeling well, but after 8 o'clock he complained of almost suffocating. Dr. C Herman was unable to relieve him and death followed in an hour.
He was born in Germany, but had resided in Newport nearly a half century. He was a member of James Albert Post GAR, having entered the Union army when the war broke out as a private and member of the Fifty-third Kentucky Volunteer Infantry. He was also a member of Noah's Dove Lodge of Odd Fellows and of the famous Thirteen Club of that order; a member of Robert Burns Lodge of Masons, the Union Veterans Legion and the Kentucky Regimental Association.
He served three terms in Council and was also elected City Assessor at one time. A widow and one son, Otto Breith, survive him. The funeral arrangements have not as yet been completed.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 29 October 1903, page 5
SERVICES-The funeral of the late Albert C Breith, of East Third Street, Newport, took place Thursday afternoon. Noah's Dove Lodge, IOOF, met at the hall at 1 pm and attended the funeral in a body. Robert Burns Lodge, F and A M also attended the funeral in a body. William Nelson Post and James Abert Post, GAR attended in a body and conducted services at the mortuary chapel at Evergreen Cemetery, as did the other lodges of which the deceased was a member. James Hewitson were pallbearers for Noah's Dove Lodge. W A Patterson represented the Fidelity Building Association.
The funeral was very large one, and the floral tributes were numerous and beautiful.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 25 November 1903, page 5
The body of the late A C Breith of Newport, will be buried in the family lot from the vault in Evergreen Cemetery Saturday afternoon at 2 pm.