Agnes Murphy


The Daily Commonwealth, Friday, May 23, 1884, page 4



Agnes Murphy, colored, was released from jail yesterday morning, after serving out a sentence for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. At half past seven o'clock last night she was full again, and had taken possession of the upper part of Pike street where a big crowd had collected watching her capers.

Officer Mike Conners hove in sight at that time and started with her toward the jail. On the way down she cursed, swore, bit, scratched and finally laid down on the sidewalk and refused to move.  The officer summoned a citizen to help him and by hard work they landed her in the cooler.  She was charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct and resisting an officer.

She was very penitent this morning and told the Mayor she wanted to talk to him real nice.  She wanted to be released promising to go to the country at once; but the Judge had heard that story once too often.  She was fined $10 and costs in each case making a total of $25.  When Agnes is sober she is a splendid worker but when drunk a perfect devil.


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