Adam Ludwig Hauck


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 April 1915, page 2

The funeral of Adam Hauch will be held Friday afternoon from the residence of his mother, at 311 Thornton st. Newport.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 August 1916, page 4

Realty transfers filed for record in Newport were: Adam Hauck to Fred Brett, lot on German st. tax paid on $1500.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 June 1918, page 1

Adam L Hauck, 81, carpenter, died at his home, 311 Thornton st. Newport, Monday. A widow and three children, Mrs. John Meyers, Mrs Matilda Hodgson and Peter Hauck survive him. He lived in Newport for the past half century.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 29 June 1918, page 4

The joint will of Adam Hauck and Christina M Hauck was probated in Campbell County Court Friday afternoon by Judge A M Caldwell. In event of death of one the other shall take charge of the estate, the will provides.

Anna Meyer and Peter Hauck each are left $50; Mathida and Richard Meyer $19 each; a daughter Elizabeth, is to receive the remainder of the personalty. Howard M Benton is named executor.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 October 1919, page 1

Mrs. Mathilda Hauck, 78, widow of Adam Hauck, died Thursday night at her home, Thornton st. Newport, following a protracted illness. A family of adult sons and daughters survive. The funeral will be held Monday.


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