Adam Feinauer Jr.

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 September 1907, page 5

As a result of an encounter last night at Second and Saratoga sts. Newport, Adam Feinauer Jr. of First and Saratoga sts. is suffering from a gun shot wound in the left shoulder and Brooks Fraizer is held prisoner in Newport jail to answer a charge of disorderly conduct. The bullet that caused young Feinauer's injury came from Patrolman Wards revolver, and was intended for Frazier.

Frazier fired a revolver at the front door of his house, near the corner of Second and Saratoga. Officer Ward arrested him but Frazier tripped the officer and both rolled into the gutter. The elder Feinauer came to the assistance of Ward and pulled Frazier off. Frazier ran and Ward fired two shots at Frazier. Young Feinauer received one of the bullets in the left shoulder. Frazier was caught by Patrolman Kearns.

Feinauer was assisted to his home nearby where Dr. Stine attended him. His would is considered serious.


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