Absalom P Grapevine


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 August 1903, page 5

QUICK BAPTISM-An old gray haired man, who had apparently reached the three score age limit, called upon Rev R D Harding, pastor of the First Christian Church of Dayton Ky. Friday and wanted to be baptized. He said his name was Absalom Grapevine of Retreat Street, Bellevue and he did not like the way the sacrament of baptism was administered in the Methodist Church of which he was a member.

Rev Harding, after hearing his story, advised him to call Sunday evening and with a number of other petitioners, be immersed but this did not satisfy the old man and he insisted that he be baptized then. "But you have no change of clothes," said Rev Harding. This did not discourage Grapevine, who said he would walk home in his wet clothes.

After some little time he was persuaded to return to his Bellevue home to get another suit and then return. He promised to do so and Rev Harding prepared the baptistery for the immersion. He returned a half hour later and after a short prayer with the pastor the rite was administered.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 February 1915, page 3

Funeral services for Absalom P Grapevine, 75, pioneer rolling mill worker, will be held Wednesday with services at the residence, 207 Retreat St. Bellevue, at 1:30 pm.


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