Abraham Dorherty

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 23 May 1858, page 3


The following sad story of the alleged abuse of a United States soldier at the Newport Barracks, we have received from a gentleman upon whom we can rely. We let him tell his own tale, which is as follows:

As the writer of this was going down Second street, yesterday afternoon, he observed at the corner of Ludlow a poor emancipated creature struggling to rise, by means of two canes, from a barrel on which he had been seated. On being asked if he wanted help, he replied, "I want somebody to take me and do something with me, for I have no friends nor home."

In reply to a question touching the cause of his condition he said: "I was arrested here the 26th of last December for desertion from the army and taken to Newport Barracks and for four months have been lying in the hospital. I was court martialed and sentenced to be dishonorable discharged, and this morning at daylight was drummed out of the Barracks. I have been nearly all day getting to this place and God only know what is to become of me."

He looked like one in the last stage of the consumption and excited the pity of all who looked upon him. the overseer of the poor in that ward could do him no good but kindly suggested that he might be admitted to the Infirmary and went with the writer to the proper office to get him admission to that institution. We found no difficulty in obtaining the necessary documents, and it is supposed that he is now there. His name is Abraham Dorherty, a native of Tuscarawas County in this State (Ohio). It is not necessary to make any comment on the cruelty of the proceedings toward him at Newport. If he stated the facts, such facts ought to be known, that the people may understand what kind of care the Government exercises over its soldiers.


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