Abolitionist Meetings

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 6 June 1861, page 3


UNION MEETING LAST NIGHT-At a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Union men of the city of Newport, held last evening, to appoint delegates to the Union Convention to be held in Covington on Friday next, for the purpose of nominating a Union candidate for Congress in the Tenth Congressional District, L M Eckert,; Esq. was called to the Chair and Frank Stein was appointed Secretary.

The following gentlemen were appointed delegates: C P Buchanan, O W Root, Wm Lape, Levi Petiti, Mayor Hawkins, Owen Conlan, Ira Root, X Sine, Mr. Binand, G D Hooper, James Ewin, Captain Blackford, J(ohn) P(utnam) Jackson, Peter Constances, A McKenzie, L Eckert, J O Prather, Jacob Hawthorn, Dr. Shaler, Michael King, F Logan, G P Webster, Mr. Moore, Gus Artsman.

Whereupon Ira Root, Esq. upon motion, was unanimously recommended as a candidate for Congress before said Convention, and delegates were instructed to use their influence in his behalf.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 4 March 1863, page 2

Democratic Victory in Newport Ky.

The Abolitionists suffered a decided defeat on Monday last at the municipal election in Newport, Kentucky.  M J Kiso, Esq. was elected President of the City Council by a majority of 291 over Hawthorne, who as a member of the Kentucky House of Representatives, recently voted against granting the Hall of the House to the Democratic State Convention, recently assembled at Frankfort, and dispersed by military authority.

This election was a free and untrammeled one and the result is one highly gratifying to every lover of liberty.

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 9 February 1864



About seventy-five abolitionists of this city assembled at the Court house on Saturday night and passed resolutions approving the course of their Representative in Congress, General Green Olay Smith. They also appointed the following persons as delegates to the Abolition Convention which meets in Louisville on the 22d of February.

First Ward-Dr. Nathaniel Shaler and Isaac Baughman

Second Ward-Ira Root and James B Perry

Third Ward-John Taylor and W H Bennett

Fourth Ward-W Lape and M J King

Fifth Ward-O F Beyland and E W Hawkins

Alternates-Peter Constans, B T Bennett, Robert Waring, William Shreve Bailey, Alfred Daily, Joseph Veiling, M Ringgold, Oliver Root, Captain George D Hoople, Dietrich Brandt, L G Chapman, R E Dalton, Peter Bright.

The meeting was presided over by Ira Root. O F Beyland who proclaims himself an original Abolitionist, acted as Secretary. Mr. Root and George P Webster, made strong anti-slavery speeches. They were both in favor of the enlistment of Negro soldiers in Kentucky.

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 19 February 1864, page 2


The Abolition Meeting at Old Fellows Hall-By the aid of a brass band and three pieces of artillery, the Abolitionists succeeded in attracting a somewhat larger crowd to their meeting at Odd Fellows Hall on Tuesday evening than assembled at the City Hall pow wow.  The number present as near as we could count, amounted to two hundred and sixty-four, fifty-nine of them wore United States uniforms. There were also about forty boys (attracted by the music) and twenty-five Democrats in the crown.

Speeches were made by Mayor Preston of Covington; Major Ira Root of Newport;  Wm S Rankin of Grant County. The latter gentleman is Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Fourth District of Kentucky. The Abolitionists made a great flourish in announcing him as one of their speakers. They were, however, almost as greatly disappointed in him as they were in R B Carpenter.  Major Root made a speech just to suit them. He out Heroded (Andy) Herod.


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