Washington Lee, Willie and Herman Moore

Cincinnati Enquirer, 6 November 1911, page 12

One man was shot and killed and two seriously wounded in a conflict yesterday afternoon at Fourth and Central avenue in Newport. Before the fighting had ended at least 25 shots were fired and Officer Joseph Graus, of the Newport Police Department, had a revolver and his mace shot out of his hands.

The man who lost his life is Joseph Vonherhaar, 25, unmarried, whose permanent residence is 984 East Third street, but who has been living with James Redmond, saloon keeper, at Fourth and Central avenue. John Brady was shot in the right arm and Herman Moore, colored, who shot Vonderharr, was shot in the right leg by Patrolman Graus.

The shooting was the result of race prejudice. Washington Lee Moore, Willie Moore and Henry Woods, three brothers, all colored had spent the afternoon at the home of a colored friend on Central avenue. Shortly after 5 o'clock they visited Redmond's saloon to get a drink. Lee and Herman Moore went into the saloon and called for a drink, but were told they could not drink in the saloon. They then purchased 10 cents worth of whisky that was given them in a bottle. As they were leaving the saloon one of the colored men replied to a remark made by Vonderhaar to the effect that colored men were not wanted around the saloon and as Lee and Herman reached the sidewalk, a fight started.

Vonderhaar came out of the saloon and struck at Wash Moore. Moore struck back and then Henry Woods was struck with a pair of knucks by some white man. Vonderhaar came across the street to strike Willie Moore and as he did so Herman Moore warned him if he did he would shoot. Vonderhaar struck Willie Moore and knocked him across the curb.  Herman pointed his gun at Vonderhaar and pulled the trigger and he fell with a wound in his head.

Herman and Lee ran south on Central avenue with officer Graus in pursuit. Herman surrendered to Graus after he had run through James alley to Columbia street. A big crowd of excited people, whose cries of "catch the nigger; lynch him" caused Private Officer Charles Knecht to grab Lee and place him under arrest. He brought him to police headquarters where the brothers were locked up on different floors of the jail. William Moore was later arrested.


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