Spencer Sommers


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 March 1896, page 6

George Lewis, a Colored Bully, Badly Cut by Spencer Sommers in Newport

George Lewis, a colored bootblack of Newport was looking for trouble all of Saturday night.  Yesterday morning he succeeded in finding it, but with a result he had not anticipated.

Saturday night Lewis quarreled with his father, Nathan Lewis, and chastised his aged parent quite severely.  He was drunk and insulted any number of people. Encouraged by the success of his bullying tactics Saturday night, Lewis became imbued with the idea that he was a rough and tumble champion and appeared early on the streets of Newport, insulting and abusing everyone he met.

He encountered Spencer Sommers, another colored man, at the corner of Fourth and Columbia streets.  Sommers was engaged in a conversation with Lewis' father, and this appeared to anger the bootblack. He applied several vile epithets to Sommers.  Sommners paid but little heed to the abuse and walked across the street.  Lewis followed him and Sommers warned him away.

This Lewis construed as a threat and a challenge for a fight.  he flung his blacking kit aside and attacked Sommers.  Lewis struck at Sommers, who parried the blow, and pulling out a pocketknife, cut Lewis five times, twice in the breast, once on the arm and twice in the right hand.  The latter wounds were inflicted by Lewis grabbing the knife.  They are of minor importance, but the wounds in the breast are considered serious.  Both are quite deep and extend diagonally across the breast and abdomen.

Lewis after being cut, staggered into Ritte's saloon, where his injuries were attended to by Mr. Ritte.  Upon the advice of patrons of the place, Lewis started for him home on Southgate street, about two blocks from the scene of the cutting.  reaching the door he fell in a dead faint, and was carried within by his father.  Dr. T A Clark was summoned, and he rendered the necessary surgical attention, after which he advised that Lewis be removed to St Elizabeth's Hospital in Covington.  Menninger's ambulance was called and took him to the hospital.  For several hours the hospital attaches were unable to determine the extent of his injuries, owing to his profound intoxication.

Sommers went to police headquarters and surrendered himself.  he was so well known to the authorities that he was permitted to go home and remain there until Office Benke placed him under arrest.  He was locked up and the charge of cutting with intent to kill was placed against his name.  Sommers will be arraigned for trial this morning.

He said that Lewis always went armed and that when making the attack, kept one hand in his pocket, as though fingering a weapon.  Believing that if he did not cut Lewis first he would himself be cut or shot, he acted as he says in self defense.  Sommers spent the night in jail, all bail bond being refused pending the outcome of Lewis' wounds.

Sommers is employed as porter at Ritte's saloon, corner Fourth and Columbia streets and enjoys an excellent reputation for sobriety and general good demeanor.  He is 23 years of age, married and lives at 40 Central avenue.  He came from Aberdeen Ohio abut four years ago.  Lewis has been frequently in trouble. He was severely injured about a year ago by being make the victim of a cruel joke.  A saloon keeper set his clothing on fire while he was asleep.  He spent six months in the hospital.


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