Samuel Smith

Cincinnati Enquirer,


Samuel Smith, a colored man who claims that he was married in Newport during the reign of County Clerk Veith, was a caller at County Clerk Betz's office yesterday. He was trying to ascertain if there was any record of his marriage with Molly Jackson.

Smith's father wishes to divide some real estate before he dies and wants to give his son a share, providing that he can furnish proof of his marriage. The colored minister who performed the ceremony has left the city and did not return the certificate. Smith says that Berry Stine issued the license to him.

Stine yesterday spent nearly an hour looking for some record of the license in the Clerk's office but failed to find it. He then said that Smith did not accure one, but the latter is positive that he did. Deputy Clerk Bryan wrote to Rev Erwin some days ago, but has received no answer, Smith has made several visits to the office.


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