Robert Bishop

Cincinnati Daily Commercial, Wednesday, 14 November 1860, page 2

A free Negro, names Bishop, was drowned night before last, in attempting to jump upon the ferry boat after it had left the Cincinnati landing to cross to this city (Newport) where he resided. Bishop was intoxicated at the time of the accident and his remains have not yet been recovered.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Friday, 23 November 1860, page 3


The Body Found-The body of Rob Bishop, who stepped overboard from the ferry boat just as it was about landing on the opposite side, on the 12th instant, was found yesterday morning by the watchman of the Jacob Strader, close under the bows of that boat.

The Coroner of Cincinnati held an inquest upon the body, the verdict of the jury being; "Came to his death by accidental drowning."

Bishop was a free negro, residing before his death, with his parents in our city and consequently, after the inquest, his body was brought over here for interment.


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