Mattie Lindsey

Cincinnati Enquirer, 17 October 1908, page 10


During a fight at Fifth and Central avenue last night, Charles Mullen, white, was shot in the leg by Mattie Lindsey, colored. The shooting took place at the residence of Henderson Mason, colored. Mullen heard the negroes quarreling and rushed into the house to see what was the matter. Mason pulled a razor on Mullen and the Lindsey woman opened fire on him with a revolver. She fired five shots, one bullet penetrating the calf of Mullen's left leg, the others going wild.

Mason, the Lindsey woman and another colored woman named Cora Smith, were arrested by Sergeant Cottingham and Officer Van Leuwen. The charge of shooting with intent to kill was placed against the two, although Mattie Lindsey admitted that she did all the shooting. A hurry order was sent in for the patrol to take Mullen to St Elizabeth Hospital but more than half an hour elapsed before the wagon arrived. The bullet was extracted from Mullen's leg by physicians at the hospital but no serious results are anticipated.


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