James Lumpkins

Penny Press, Cincinnati, Tuesday, 1 November 1859, page 4


NEGRO ROW-Three colored individuals, Friendship Bishop, James Lumpkins, and William Taylor, had a sort of triangular encounter on East row street yesterday morning in which the latter received a stab through the right hand.

An ebony damsel was at the bottom of the difficulty, Taylor having been charged with slandering her, and Lumpkins acting as her special protector, while Bishop edged in on the same side. A terrible tragedy might have been the result had not woman's hand, the same that caused the difficulty, interfered and restored order. the parties were arrested and committed to jail.


Penny Press, Wednesday, 2 November 1859, page 4


Lumpkins, one of the negroes engaged in the affray on East row, was fined $3 and costs by Esquire Payne, yesterday. The other two were discharged.


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