James Ingulls

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 April 1933, page 1

Others sentenced to five years in the penitentiary for narcotic violations are:

James Ingulls, 35, Negro, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 8 April 1933, page 3

Twenty-nine federal prisoners, were removed from Covington and Newport jails to Atlanta Penitentiary Friday by guards. Removed from Covington jail was James Ingulls.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 May 1944, page 3

A jury in Campbell Circuit Court dismissed against James Ingulls, Newport, of 305 W Fifth street, Newport. The Negro's auto struck and fatally injured Norma Jean Downard, 4, of 806 Isabella street, Newport, on May 16, 1943. Commonwealth Attorney William J Wise introduced testimony to show the defendant's auto contained faulty brakes.

The defendant through his attorney, Daniel W Davies, contended the girl darted into the path of his auto behind a parked car.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 September 1950, page 9

James Ingulls, of 303 W Fifth street, Newport, failed to pay his water bill. The bill grew to $50.09. The city cut his water off. Next time the inspector checked, the water was flowing into Mr. Ingulls house again. It was cut off that day, turned on that night.

Finally on order of City Solicitor Fred Warren, Mr. Ingulls appeared in Newport Police Court. He admitted he had been turning the water back on. Upon his agreement to pay $20 toward the bill immediately and make weekly payments until he catches up.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 October 1952, page 29

Hearing of liquor charges against James Ingulls, 54, pool room operator who was arrested again just two hours after he had been acquited of a previous count and John Green, 50, was continued until Oct 22 Wednesday. Detective Fredericks found John Green, 50, drinking a quart of beer in Ingulls poolroom at 303 W Fifth street, Newport. They arrested both on charges of illegal possession of alcohol on unlicensed premises.

Earlier Tuesday Ingulls had been acquitted by a jury of a charge of juvenile delinquency.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 February 1958, page 1

A car driven by James Ingulls of 518 Isabella street, Newport, was towing a car driven by Marian Sullivan of 514 Isabella street and as they turned onto Licking Pike the care were struck by an Ohio licensed auto. Ingulls was injured and treated at St Luke Hospital.


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