Jacob Price


Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 February 1913, page 8

NEGRO FAMILY-Fire originating from an over heated stove set fire to the home of Jacob Price, negro, at Tenth and Prospect sts. in Covington at 2 am this morning and Price and his wife were forced to leap from a second story window to escape from the flames. Price, who is 74, filled a stove on the first floor of his home with wood, preparatory to the coming home of his son, Charles Price, who runs a lunch stand at Eleventh and Madison av. The stove becoming over heated set fire to the building. The loss was estimated at between $1000 and $1200 by Chief Griffith this morning, as none of the families saved any of their effects.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 February 1918, page 4

COVINGTON-Jacob Price and wife, 145 E 10th st. Covington, will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary at 8:30 pm at Ninth Street Baptist Church.


Kentucky Post, 2 March 1923

DIED-Rev Jacob Price, negro minister of 245 E 10th st. died Thursday morning and will be buried from the First Baptist Negro Church, Covington. Saturday afternoon at 1 pm. Rev Price was one of Covington's oldest negro citizens. He organized the first negro church in Covington nearly 60 years ago and was its first pastor He also was the founder of the Lincoln Grant High School. He was held in high esteem by both races. His wife, to whom has been married 55 years, one son and one daughter survive him. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery in Southgate, Kentucky.


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