Henry Gray

Cincinnati Enquirer, 11 October 1903, page 15


Henry Gray, a colored lad of 12 years, was bound to the grand jury yesterday by Judge Moore to answer a charge of larceny.

Jesse Cannon and Willie Raymond, also colored, who are implicated in the robbery, were each sentenced to 30 days in jail. The Adams confectionery, at Fourth and Saratoga streets, was entered October 2 and $5 in change taken from the till. On last Monday evening the store was again visited and $2 taken.

Friday evening Miss Adams caught Henry Gray in the act of abstracting money from the till. Gray was later arrested by Officer Morton at his home on West Fourth street. He pleaded guilty at the trial and gave the names of the other boys implicated.

Cannon and Raymond who are each 13 years, admitted receiving $1.50 each of the stolen money. Gray told the Judge where the pocketbook could be found at his home.


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