Harry McConico

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 25 March 1933, page 1

When the Ohio River beginning to "pep up" on its downward trend, the work of flushing streets and cleaning out mud laden homes in Northern Kentucky began in earnest Saturday. The flood waters were responsible for a fifth tragedy Friday night; Harry McConico, 45, Negro, Clifton Ky. was drowned when a canoe in which he and a white man were riding, capsized in front of 315 W Fifth st. Newport.

The two white men were thrown into approximately 10 feet of water. The white man, police learned, grabbed hold of a shutter on the house and lifted himself into the window, but the Negro, unable to swim, went down. John Moore, Edward Young and Frank Russell, members of the Newport Fire Department heard the cries of the men and rowed to the scene, together with Jacob Swope, superintendent of Newport Public Works.

The fireman recovered the body with grappling hooks in 15 minutes but their efforts to resuscitate McConico failed.  Dr. August Helmbold, Campbell co. Coroner returned an accidental death verdict


Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 January 1934, page 2

Harry McConico, 45, of 23 Clifton av. Clifton, drowned March 24 when he fell from a boat in front of 315 W Fifth st. Newport, during the flood.


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