Harmon Redden

Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 June 1915, page 10


Try Juvenile on Murder Charge

A jury in the Circuit Court is hearing evidence in the case of Harmon Redden, colored, who is charged with complicity with Joseph Williams in the murder of Thomas Murray, all parties concerned are colored.  Williams has already been tried and sentenced to from 21 years.  The hearing of evidence will not be completed until today.

Before beginning the taking of testimony Judge Yungblut overruled a motion of Attorneys Clark and Shaw to have the case remanded to the Juvenile Court on the ground that Redden was a juvenile, being but 16? years of age.  In overruling the motion Judge Yungblut held that he had been properly before County Judge Beitz who is also the Juvenile Judge and that Court having re---- jurisdiction in the case was equivalent indicating that the Circuit Court would have jurisdiction.

The Court also directed that an order be entered on the Court records correcting the name of the defendant, who has heretofore been known as Redmond.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 July 1915, page 3

Jury in Campbell Circuit Court found Harmon Redden, negro, guilty of charge of voluntary manslaughter of Thomas Murray and sentenced him to from three to five years at Frankfort Reformatory. Judge Yungblut issued order correcting the entry of the name of Redmond on the court records as Redden. This case had been before the court for three days.


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