George Sanders

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 September 1896, page 5


A shooting affray occurred at 8:30 Friday night at the corner of Fourth and Isabella Streets, during which George Sanders, colored, was wounded. The shooting occurred at the residence of Mrs. Sander's mother, Mrs. Lottie Burke, 340 Isabella Street. The wounded man claims that he was sitting in the yard and was shot from behind.

Officer Luzader was attracted to the scene and was compelled to climb through the transom. He found Sanders on the floor in a pool of blood. He was taken to the station house, where Dr. Clark examined the wound in the right shoulder, but says it is not dangerous.

Mrs. Sanders after the shooting ran through the house, saying to the mother, "I have fixed him because I love him." Sanders admitted that he and his wife quarreled and he had threatened to leave her and that she did the shooting. She has not been apprehended.


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