Fred Wallace


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 10 September 1903, page 5

SHOT-The domestic affairs of Fred Wallace, colored, of Saratoga Street, Newport, were disturbed Wednesday night when Horace Hughes, also colored, took Mrs. Wallace for an evening's entertainment at the Lyceum Theater in Cincinnati. Hughes is now at Speers Hospital as a result of the experience and says that in the future he will not bother any woman with a husband.

When he returned from the theater the irate husband was behind a tree, to give him a warm reception and he did. He opened fire on his wife's escort and a bullet lodged in each leg and the third grazed his breast. Hughes had his "smoke wagon" and started to fire at the husband but he had flown. Both men were arrested later, being charged with shooting to kill.

Wallace was locked up and Hughes was taken to the hospital. The case was called in Judge Moore's court and continued until Saturday, the injured man not being able to appear.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 September 1903, page 5

SHOOTING CASE-The case of Fred Wallace and Horace Hughes, colored charged with shooting to kill, will come up in Police Court in Newport Saturday morning. Wallace shot Hughes for taking his (Wallace's wife) to the theater, and one bullet passed through his leg and the other bullet lodged in the fleshy part of the thigh and was taken out by Drs. Barker and Truesdell.

Hughes shot at Wallace, but his aim was bad. Both men are charged with the same offense and will be tried in the morning.


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