Eli Graham

Cincinnati Enquirer, 26 Dec 1873, page 1


Two negroes, Eli Graham and Henry Brown, living on James alley, got into an altercation yesterday morning.  Brown was afterward noticed by Officer Whallen picking up rocks on York street.  Officer Whallen followed Brown to his quarters and ascertaining about the fight took Brown into custody.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 2 July 1878, page 4


A Bloody Row in Newport

At a few minutes of twelve o'clock last night the cry of murder, coming from the inmates of a law negro dive at the end of the Cincinnati and Newport bridge in Newport, attracted the attention of a few belated pedestrians. Going to the house they found a woman named Matt (sic) Symmes, standing at the door and in a room in the rear lay insensible, a soldier belonging to the Barracks, and the blood running from a wound in his temple.

The woman's story was that two negro men, one named Eli Graham and the other Dick Wilson, came to her door and demanded admittance, saying they were policemen. She refusing to open the door they broke in the door, and pulling the soldier from the bed, beat him over the head with a pistol and left him for dead.

One of the citizens started for the police and the other for a doctor. Returning in about ten minutes, both Matt Symmes and the soldier were gone. The woman was seen running down the bank alone, but a careful search of the Garrison and other haunts of the soldier was made by his comrades without success.

The house stands with the rear to the river and it is feared that the desperadoes went back and finished the job they had begun. The locality has been a nuisance for months and the police made a clean sweep and arrested every soul in the house numbering about fifteen.


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