Ed Johnson

Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 11 November 1889, page 7

Ed Johnson, a colored youth, Newport, was arrested yesterday for cutting a little boy by the name of Winston.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 December 1896, page 5

In the Newport Police Court Tuesday the case of Ed Johnson, colored, charged with shooting with intent to kill Amos Phillips, also colored, was continued until Wednesday.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 May 1905, page 5

Ed Johnson, colored of Newport, who styles himself a prophet, will be tried for lunacy tomorrow at 1:30 pm in the Campbell Circuit Court. Prosecutor Burkamp has had summons issued for Drs. Wendt, Heflin and Kehm, all of whom have examined Johnson since his incarceration in the Newport Jail. They will testify as to the mental condition of the man.

Prosecutor Burkamp is of the opinion that Johnson is not a criminal and is not the author of the letter signed by A Johnson and now in possession of the Chester (W Va.) authorities in which a confession of crime is recorded. Burkamp believes that Johnson is mentally irresponsible and should be placed in some asylum before he harms some one.

The prosecutor describes Johnson's ailment as delusional insanity and he claims that he is a religious paranoiac in that he believe that he is commanded by God to work out great reforms through the delusion that he is a prophet. The write of habeas corpus asked for by Attorney Muller on the affidavit of John Johnson, brother of Ed Johnson, was granted by Judge Berry and Chief of Police Deputy is ordered to have Johnson brought into Court, Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, when an inquiry will be made as to the right of that official to hold Johnson from time of arrest on Thursday up to Saturday afternoon, when he was turned over to the State authorities on a warrant issued at the instance of the Prosecuting Attorney.


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