Easter Jameson

Cincinnati Enquirer, 13 January 1893, page 7


A colored family names Jameson, consisting of a mother and two daughters, living in a shanty on Columbia street below Fourth, was treated to a very cold and unwelcome bath at an early hour yesterday morning.

They occupied one bed in the room and were slumbering peacefully and awakened to find themselves deluged with a spray of water, which froze as fast as it fell, forming a heavy crust of ice on the coverlids. They hustled out of bed as best they could and stood shivering in the middle of the room until their cries brought relief from the neighbors.

It was found that a water pike running along the wall had burst and was playing a nice stream of water directly on the bed. The carpets and walls were completely saturated, which were rapidly being converted into ice and the poor family was compelled to hire a wagon and move what dry things they had to more comfortable quarters.


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