Charles Holliday


Cincinnati Enquirer, 26 May 1893, page 4

The residence of Dr. J L Phythian, on York street, Newport was the scene of a horrible and bloody encounter yesterday afternoon.  That there is not a tragedy to chronicle was not the fault of the assailant in the case, a colored servant named Charles Holliday, a young lad about 20 years of age.

Holliday has a bad reputation and has figured in Police Court cases several times.  His brother Henry is not serving a term of three at the Frankfort Penitentiary for cutting a man on the Newport ferry boat and almost putting an end to this existence.  A warrant was issued for his arrest.  The police of the three cities have been furnished with a full description and are now on the lookout for him.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 4 January 1894, page 5


CHARLES HOLLIDAY CAPTURED-Officer "Butch" Flynn captured a man yesterday that the old police force were looking for over eight months, it being no other than the notorious colored fellow, Charles Holliday.  The crime for which he is wanted, and for which he has been indicted, was for cutting Dr. Charles Phythian with a knife and striking the doctor's mother several times in the face.

He was employed as coachman by the Phythians and at the time of the occurrence was somewhat under the influence of liquor and excitement over the affair ran so high that if he had been caught immediately after the courts would have been saved the trouble of a trial.  He made good his escape, however, and since the 25th of May last, the date of the dead, he has managed to elude the vigilance of the police.

Yesterday his presence was tipped off to Officer Flynn and he ran across him near his home on Columbia street near Third, and at once placed him under arrest.  He was taken before Judge Helm, who fixed his bond at $1100, in default of which he was remanded to jail.


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