Edward Pickney


Cincinnati Enquirer, 20 December 1895, page 7



A shooting affray that will probably result fatally to one man occurred in Newport at about 9:15 last night.  The parties interested were Martin Jones, Edward Pickney, John Burrows and Charles Gaines, all colored, and the scene was at 112 York street in the colored quarter of Newport.

Officer Klinkenbeard, while patrolling his beat, saw a colored man running rapidly up York street.  As he crossed Third he stopped the fellow and learned that he had been shot and slightly wounded.  This was Ed Pickney, Klinkenbeard called for assistance, and Lieutenant Smith responded.  Pinkney said that John Burrows had shot him.  The officers sent the wounded man to the police office and began a search for Burrows.  All the exits to the city were guarded, and the entire police department was notified of the shooting, as were the Cincinnati and Covington authorities.

Pinkney was not dangerously wounded and was able to return to his house without assistance.   Dr. Tingley probed for and removed the bullet from one left knee where it had entered. Pinkney story of the affair dated back to last Monday, when he had agreed to lend his horse and wagon to Burrows to get coal.  Pickney, who is a coal merchant on a limited scale, agreed to furnish the coal and Burrows was to share in the profits.


Yesterday Pinkney demanded a settlement and during the discussion Burrows backed up his argument with a hatchet, but Pinkney kept him at bay with a razor.  That night according to Pickney, Martin Jones and Charles Haines were in his room at 112 York street playing cards.  Burrows entered and after a friendly conversation said he guessed he would leave.  He rose and pulling a revolver from his pocket, fired five shots in rapid succession.  The first bullet took effect in Pinkney's leg and he fell.  The second bullet struck Jones in the --- of the back and he was dropped on the floor.  The third passed through Gaines' clothing grazing his stomach and limb caused him to --- his length on the floor.  the other two shots did no damage and then Burrows escaped to Cincinnati via the Central Bridge


The shooting attracted a big crowd in a few minutes.  Dr. Tingley was summoned to attend the wounded men. Gaines is not injured.  Pickney will be confined to his house for a time and no serious results are anticipated from his wound.  Dr. Tingley was unable to tell the result of Jones' injury, -- to his inability to locate the bullet or determine the direction it had taken.  The bullet entered the -- of the back, just above the left hip.  If it moved upward, Dr. Tingley says the would will prove fatal, but if it took a straight or downward course the man will recover.

Pickney is an industrious man and enjoyed a good patronage in his coal business.  His office and yards are at Seventh and Putnam streets Newport.  Jones has been in trouble frequently and is well known to the Newport police.  Last Tuesday he was cut and slightly wounded by Pete Bell, another colored man of Newport. Burrows is what is generally termed a bad man.  The authorities are confident of capturing him.


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