Beverly "Burl" James Lumpkins

Beverly "Burl" James Lumpkins joined the Company E 23rd Regiment Colored Infantry for the Union army. Beverly's unit was organized 1 Feb 1864 and he mustered out as a private on 30 Nov 1865.  He fought on July 9, 1864 at Petersburg, VA, July 30 at Petersburg VA, Aug 18 at Petersburg, and on Sep 18.  He also fought at Bermuda Hundred VA on 13 Dec 1864.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 1 Aug 1866, page 2


COLORED SCHOOLS-The colored citizens of Newport held an election on Saturday and chose the following persons as Trustees of their schools to serve for one year: Burrell Lumpkins, Beverly Lumpkins, Washington Rippleton, James Patterson and Gus Adams.

We understand that the Trustees have appointed Mayor R B McCrackin as Treasurer of the School Board.

AFFRAY-Two of the newly elected school Trustees, Beverly Lumpkins and Gus Adams, had an altercation on Taylor street on Sunday morning, which resulted in both parties getting their heads pretty badly bruised, and having subsequently to pay a fine of $8 each in the Mayor's Court.

The difficulty between them originated in the election for School Trustees.


Beverly Lumpkins and his family

Beverly Lumpkins 1869 Obituary


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