Date of birth:  3 Feb 1880 Williamsburg, Johnson Co, Indiana
Date of death: 9 Oct 1892 Johnson County, Indiana

Source: The Franklin Democrat, Friday, October 14, 1892, page 6





Mr. and Mrs. Robinson desire to thank their neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness shown them during the illness of their son, Edwin. All will ever be kindly cherished in their memories.

Edwin Robinson, the youngest child of Art and Susie Robinson, died about 11 o’clock Sunday morning, of typhoid fever. He was born Feb. 3, 1880 in Williamsburg, Johnson county. On the 27th day of last February he took sick with fever which soon developed into diphtheria. After almost recovering, fever again set in terminating fatally on the date above named. Edwin stood his suffering without a murmur and being asked what hurt him, his answer was always, “Nothing.” He was a boy that everyone liked and to know him was to love him. The funeral took place Monday at Pisgah in the presence of a large crowd of sympathizing friends. The services were conducted by Elder Pritchard.


Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry