Daultin Wilson, a druggist of Greenwood, and the present postmaster of that place, was born on a farm in Pleasant Township, May 2, 1844, the son of William and Jane (Tod) Wilson, who were respectively natives of North Carolina and Kentucky. He was reared on the old homestead, and in addition to a common school education, he attended Franklin College between one and two years. In January, 1865, he entered Bryant & Stratton’s Business College, at Indianapolis, in which he remained three months, and during that time obtained a knowledge of telegraphy. In April, 1865, he took a position as operator for the J., M. & I. R.R., and as agent for the Adams Express Co., at Franklin, this county, and continued there three years. In April, 1868, he and his brother-in-law, C. H. Myers, opened a store in this county, where Mr. Wilson continued in business until March, 1871. About the 15th of that month he accepted the agency of the J., M. & I. Railroad, at Greenwood, and continued in that until in November, 1882. Early in 1882 he began the erection of a brick business block in Greenwood, and on the first day of June of that year, he opened in it a drug store, to which his attention has since been given. He was married October 25, 1870, to Miss Lizzie F. Polk, daughter of William and Sarah (Shoptaugh) Polk, who were both born in Nelson County, Ky., in 1805. Mrs. Wilson was born in Bullitt County, Ky., June 16, 1848. Their marriage has resulted in the birth of five children: Susie P., Burr L., Cliffie H., Bessie D. and Harry, all of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Wilson is a staunch democrat. He was elected trustee of Pleasant Township in the spring of 1880, and was re-elected in the spring of 1882. He was appointed postmaster of Greenwood, July 10, 1885, and has performed the duties of that position since August 3, of that year.

Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, page 831.