Albert B. Colton, son of Ambrose Colton, Jr., and Adaline (Calkins) Colton, was born in Springfield, Mass., September 26, 1830. Among the names of the early settlers of Springfield two and a half centuries ago, who, without aspiring to any post of leadership, were content in the simple capacity of pioneer settlers, to aid in building up a town in the wilderness, although it required exposure, privations and dangers to themselves and families, we find the name George Colton, who was the common ancestor of the Colton family in the United States. The name Colton can be found all along Springfield chronology from its first settlement down to the present day. In 1774, the citizens of Springfield, in town meeting assembled, voted a strong protest against “taxation without representation,” and passed the following resolution drafted by the “citizens’ committee”: “Though we will injure no man in his person or property for a diversity of opinion, yet we shall not think ourselves bound to continue our favors to any gentleman who, lost to the sentiments of gratitude and humanity, can coolly sacrifice his country’s liberties to his own private emolument.” The citizens’ committee was Dea. Nathaniel Brewer, Capt. George Pyncheon, Dr. Charles Pyncheon, Capt. Simon Colton, Moses Field, Jonathan hale, jr., Ensign Phineas Chapin, James Sikes, and Dea. Daniel Harris. On April 20, 1775, Springfield sent twenty minute men to the front, under Maj. Andrew Colton, as follows: Sol Brewer, John Colton, Thomas Bates, Matthew Keep, Benjamin Colton, Jr., Abijah Edson, John Burt, Jr., Jacob Kellogg, Moses Harris, Joseph Kellogg, Jr., Oliver Burt, Robert Stevens, Jacob Chapin, Oliver Field, Medad Stebbins, Jonah Cooley, Simon Moore, Thomas Hale, Jr., and Seth Storer Coburn. Albert B. Colton’s parents were poor; his schooling was limited to winter months. At sixteen years of age, he was placed to the machinist’s trade, which occupation he has always followed for a livelihood. Like his early ancestors, he has never aspired to any post of leadership, but content in a humble sphere with the approbation: “He is an honest man.” Mr. Colton came to Johnson County in 1861, and to Franklin in 1864, where he has since resided. He has served two terms in the city council, and one term on the board of school trustees, and was married to Mary A. L. Dolbeare, a native of Indiana, February 25, 1854. In religion he is an Episcopalian, and in politics, a democrat.

Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, page 600.