John A. McCaslin.

In the history of Johnson county, as applying to the agricultural interests, the name of John A. McCaslin occupies a conspicuous place for through a number of years he has been one of the representative farmers of Franklin township, progressive, enterprising and persevering. Such qualities always win success, sooner or later, and to Mr. McCaslin they have brought a satisfactory reward for his well-directed effort, and while he has benefited himself and community in a material way, he has also been an influential factor in the educational, political and moral uplift of the community favored by his residence.

John A. McCaslin, who is numbered among the enterprising and successful farmers of Franklin township, Johnson county, is a native of the county in which he now lives, and was born on November 11, 1870, being the son of John and Martha Jane (Alexander) McCaslin. The subject’s paternal grandfather, Alexander McCaslin, was a native of Mercer county, Kentucky, and came to Scott county, Indiana, in 1816, remaining there until 1829. The subject’s father was born in Scott county, and came to Johnson county with his parents in 1829, locating about two miles south of Franklin, where they remained for the remainder of their lives. To John and Martha McCaslin were born five children. George A., Robert W., Belle, John A. and Edgar. The subject’s father was a Presbyterian in his religious belief, and a Republican in politics, though not active in political matters.

John A. McCaslin received the advantage of a good common school education in Franklin township and spent his early years under the parental roof, giving his assistance in the operation of the home farm. He has never forsaken the basic science of agriculture, in which he has achieved a splendid success, and he is still actively engaged in that line of effort. He is the owner of a splendid farm in Franklin township, the general appearance of which is a credit to him, and he has exercised a wise judgment and sound common sense in its operation, so rotating the crops as to not impair the fertility of the soil. In addition to the tilling of the land, he gives some attention to the breeding and raising of live stock, which he has also found a profitable source of income.

Branigin, Elba L. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Indianapolis, IN: B. F. Bowen & Co., Inc., 1913. pp 780-781

Transcribed by Lois Johnson