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Submitted 13 Jun 2015 by Jo Juan

Submittetd 21 Jun 2015 by Jo Juan. Source: Arizona Daily Star

The Runner

We Are Proud and Honored To Have Known Danny Lopez
For many years now, the San Xavier Development Authority has sponsored this section of The Runner. It is an honor to share the wisdom of so many historians, authors, and leaders with the Tohono O'odham Community and beyond. Most recently, our dear friend Mr. Danny Lopez, had been the main contributor to these articles. His life stories, memories, and wisdom have intrigued so many. He will be missed in so many ways. We are honored to have been the means by which Danny shared his culture and traditions, his wisdom and knowledge with all of you. We encourage you to share your stories, traditions, and memories as well.
The Board of Directors and employees of the San Xavier Development Authority ask Creator to bless Danny's family and friends who are grieving, and to give strenght to them so they may hear the pain they are feeling. We all are very proud and honored to have known Mr. Danny Lopez.

Danny Lopez: Respect yourself, and you can respect one another
Commentary by Stanley Throssell
On Oct. 27, I went to say goodby to Danny Lopez at his wake in Ge Oidak. From Sells traveling west on Big Field Road I joined a small caravan of vehicles, and when we arrived in the village, we joined a long line of vehicles. I stopped counting at 46 vehicles because that's all I could see on the slightly curving road. A couple of hundred yards from Danny's home I pulled off the road and stopped amid vehicles parked all over the place, but surprisingly in some order.
It took a little while to walk to his home, the sun was beginning to set. I expected a lot of people would be there to show their respect and to bid Danny farewell, but I was surprised at the number - by my count just about 1,000. Volunteers were scurrying around carrying folding chairs and setting up tables for people to place wreaths, flowers, and candles. I saw people who were his neighbors, some who were from far away Indian nations, and O'odham and non-O'odham who had traveled thousands of miles to be here.  ...

Submitted 15 May 2015 by Jo Juan

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