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Weekly Arizonian 03 Mar 1859

Married. At Tucson, Arizona, on Tuesday, March 1st 1859, by J. Ricord, Esq., Mr. George P. Davis to Miss Ann Maria Ake, all of Sonoita Valley.

Tucson Citizen, 15 Oct 1870

Tuesday last, David Anderson was convicted of grand larceny, committed last July in Tucson. He stole a $200 check and some cash from John Dilger, a discharged soldier.

Jose Maria Ramirez, pleaded guilty to the charge of an assault with deadly weapon with intent to commit bodily injury upon Librado Migraro, June 24, in Tucson.

On Wednesday, Joseph Carrillo was convicted of burglary, he having entered the hotel of Levin and Brichts, in Tucson, in the night of August 22, and stolen a watch and chain, and pocket book containing money and other valuables belonging to Daniel H. Stickney.

Anthony Dorman, indicted for the murder of Felipe Garcia, pleaded not guilty. Trial set for November 21st to give time to obtain witnesses. Thos. P. Duffley was assigned for the defense.

On Thursday, David Anderson was sentenced to 17 months in the Territorial prison: J. M. Ramirez to 2 motnhs, and Joseph Carrillo to two years, with costs of prosecution taxed against the prisoners in each case.

Tucson Citizen, 29 Oct 1870

Sr. M. Borquez received a large lot of household goods from Sonora, Mex., early in the week. By the same train of eight large teams, much panocha, bran and leather arrived. Bran is not a dutiable article and probably that accounts for its importation to Tucson.

H. Ott and John Sweney, have gone to the Gila settlements on election matters. Will be back early next week.

John W. Baker, of Bluewater Station, has been recently made happy by the safe arrival of his family from Illinois.

Tucson Citizen, 19 Nov 1870

Probate Court Proceedings

Judge John Anderson, presiding, and F. H. Goodwin, Clerk.

Nov. 7. In the matter of the estate of Hampton Brown, administrator J. H. Archibald rendered his final account, settledment was ordered and funds turned over to the heirs.

Nov. 11. Manuella Kennedy, Adm'x of the estate of Hugh Kennedy, applied for a partition and distribution of property for maintenance of a minor child. Case continued to Nov. 15.

Nov. 14. Chas. A. Shibell made application for letters of administration upon the estates of Thomas R. Harris and Geo. Macumber. Hearing in each case set for Nov. 24, 1870.

Nov. 15. In the matter of the application for the distribution of property of the estate of Hugh Kennedy, the administratrix failing to appear, the case was indefinitely continued.

Tucson Citizen, 26 Nov 1870

F. Margaillan, Deceased.
Some scraps of information about this deceased person have been placed in our possession, from which we gather that he died Nov. 12, after a few days' illness at Sweetwater near Sacaton. He left seven $20-gold pieces, and a note of $200 due him by a party whose name appears to be P. Julletier, and dated Nevada, March 6, 1863; also a mare and saddle. After his debts were paid, we understand $100 remained and is the hands of Frank Larkin, who, upon proper application, is ready to pay it over to the heirs of the deceased. he is said to have relatives in Calaveras County, Cal.
From a passport dated Oct. 5, 1855, we learn that he left France in that year; that at that time he was thirty years old, and that his destination was California.

Tucson Citizen, 03 Dec 1870

Thomas Ewing, of Tucson, has been appointed post trader at Camp Thomas, by the Secretary of War. This is a good and deserving appointment, and we are sure will prove a very popular one to the public generally and mary in particular.

Died. Harris - In Tucson, Nov. 30, 1870, aged about 21 years, Richard Harris (colored), a native of Jamaica.

Tucson Citizen, 10 Dec 1870

Justice Meyers informs us that he extended the time of George Westly and John Ryan, escaped and returned to the chain-gang, to six months---$150 fine; and they evidently deserved it. During the interval they made a raid on the clothing of some soldiers at the post.

Mr. Hopkins, a well-known gentleman herabouts, came in from his boyhood home, by last buckboard, and looks bright as if re-coined. ... Mr. Dickey, an old resident also, and just from a six-months visit to his old houme in New york, looks fully as good as new ... Quartermaster Ross, of Camp Crittenden, is sojourning in town a few days and enjoying it much ... Wm. Osborne, farmer near Tubac and late post-trader at Crittenden, is here, and may conclude to stay.

Notice to the Public - As I am determined to leave for New Mexico in a few days I will say to Merchants of Tucson that I have on hand a considerable lot of Coffee, Whisky, Soap and Sugar, which I will sell very low for Cash to close out my stock. Jose F. Baca

Tucson Citizen, 24 Dec 1870

In the probate court of Pima county, Territory of Arizona. -- In the Matter of the Estate of Lewis Anthony deceased. It appearing to the court by the Petition, presented and filed by M. L. Stiles, the Administrator of Lewis Anthony, deceased, praying for an order to sell the real estate of said deceased for reasons set forth in said petition, It is therefore ordered by the cort, that all persons interested in said estate, appear before the said Probate court, on Monday the 16th jay of January A D 1871, at 10 o'clock of said day, at the court-room of said court, to show cause why an order should not be granted to said Administrator to sell said real estate. F. H Goodwin, Clerk

Shaving Saloono! Congress St., Tucson. Hair cutting and shampooing done after the most approved styles. Sam'l Bostick.

Rev. Mr. Cook, of Chicago, arrived via Santa Fe, on Monday last. He came in from Apache Pass with Mr. DeLong, and was the guest of Col. Dunne, until he left for the Pima Indian settlements, where he hopes to establish schools under the auspices of theMethodist-Esiscopal Church.

Indians on the Rampage Again! Thirty-Odd Head of Cattle Run Off - One Man Killed, and Two Wounded.
The freight train of Tully, Ochoa & DeLong, en route from Tucson to Camp Goodwin, when thirty-odd miles east of this place, had over thirty oxen run off early on Sunday morning, the 18th, by about seventy-five well-armed Indians. The train men over-took the enemy after day-light. A sharp fight ensued between teh forces, in which one man (Martin Rivera) was shot through the head and killed, and two others wounded (Theodoso Carabajal, in arm with an arrow, through thet thigh with a ball, and N. Baragan slightly. ...

M. R. Platt, Esq., well known inthis portion of Arizona for success in legal practice and as a mail contractor, left by Monday's stage to San Diego, en route to his old stamping-ground in western New York, where he left for Idaho in 1862. We expect him back in the spring with a legal female partner ... Mr. John Pierson, the great flour man of Sonora, and whose brands are familiar as household words in this section, arrived in Tucson last Sunday evening, and left again Wednesday. Four others accompanied him up, and when near the Monument, they happened to be the means of recapturing eight mules two or three Apaches were driving away from some Mexicans. Mr. P. noted some freight on the raod, besides his own. ... Mr. Fm. M. Austin, post-trader at Grant, returned on Monday, after several days in Tucson. ... Dr. Wilbur, of the Pimo Reservation, gave us a call - correct; the Doctor says 'all quite on teh Gila.' ... Our active and efficient Deputy Nasby, Cargill, returned from Arizona City in good order. ... Senor Antonio, from Maldonado, Sonora, has been in town several days.

Supervisors' Proceedings.
The Board met last Saturday, the 17th - present, James H. Toole (chairman) and John W. Sweeny.
Owing to bad weather, farther repairs on the Jail walls were ordered deferred.
Warrants were ordered drawn for the following bills: Sam'l Hughes, for lumber, $97 80; Lee & Scott, for wheelbarrow, $35; F. H. Lacinsky, for five blankets, $35; N. G. Gay, $33; F. Contz, $27; Adam Linn, $36; John Davis, $63. Two Jury tickets, and another warrant for Lacinsky, ordered.
Board adjourned to the 30th, when every one having bills against the county shoudl present them, it being the last meeting of the old Board, and they desire to finish up.

Died. Duncan - At Apache Pass, Dec 17th, J. G. Duncan, of San Pedro, aged 33, and a native of Pennsylvania.
Decedent was a Captain in the Union army; came from Colorado to Arizona, where he has been about three years. We did not know him, but those who did, regret his death as that of a brave man and true friend, and the Territory has none of that stripe to spare.

Tucson Citizen, 31 Dec 1870

Arizona City, Dec. 25, 1870 - Chirstmas is very "triste here" here, especially since the arrival of the Tucson stage bringing the horrifying intelligence of the brutal murder of Chas. Reidt, James Litle and Thos. Oliver, at Mission Camp station, last evening; also the wounding of Mrs. Reidt, and the sacking of the station, by three Mexicans. ...

Zeckendorf's lotter was drawn as announced and everybody was satisfied - who drew out as much as they put in; and those who drew small elephants and Missouri fowling-pieces (fine-tooth combs) should not complain if one was small and the other useful. A good deal of amusement was had. Jas. Lee drew the first prize; Conrad Aguerre, the 2d; Frank Hodge, 3d; Salvador Candaleria, 4th; C. Aguerre, 5th; Mr. Lazard, 6th; Mr. Cargill, 7th ... Mr. Zeckendorf celebrated the marriage of his brother (which took place in New York), with a large display of fire-works (rockets and roman candles) on Wednesday  night. We have seen worse on 'the 4th.

Tucson Citizen, 07 Jan 1871

Rafael Suastiqui, Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver, has just opened his establishment in Tucson, and offers to the public work in his line of a superior order and finsh and with promptness.  Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairing. Prices guaranteed to be reasonable, and all work warranted. Place of business on Pennington street, near Riese's restaurant.

Fred. Riese, cabinet-maker, joiner and french polisher, Pennignton St., Zeckendorf Bl'k. Wishes respectfully to announce to the inhabitants of Tucson, that he has had considerable experience in Europe, Australia and America, in the above branches of business, and is confident that any orders entrusted to him, will give entire satisfaction.

Somebody lately stole a couple of oxen from Thomas P. Duffiey.

Judge Bratton and family arrived from Arizona city last Sunday.

Sheriff H. Ott has appointed James S. Douglass under sheriff and jailor, and Samuel Raglon deputy sheriff and overseer of the chaingang.

Arrived by Capron's Stage, Jan. 2d, William and Joseph Kelsey and sister, J. H. Phillips, G. H. Brinley. Jan. 5th, T. J. Bidwell. Departed Jan., 2nd Dr. Martin, U. S. A. Jan. 4th Dr. R. S. Wilbur, Mr. Norman.

Mr. E. N. Fish has almost completed a building between his and Zeckendorf's stores, which he intends to occupy as a wholesale and retail liquor establishment.

Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of M. J. Flournoy, Deceased, to the Creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, ...

Notice is hereby given to the Creditors of, and all persons having claims against the Estate of Newton Israel, deceased, ...

In the probate court of Pima county, Territory of Arizona. In the matter of the Estate of Lewis Anthony, deceased.

... The said action is brought to obtain a decree of Court for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage described in the said complaint, and executed by the said Hilario Cuevas to John B. Allen, to secure the payment ...

Weekly Arizonian, 14 Jan 1871

Don Pancho Gomes, one of the Arizona's oldest adn best citizens, gave a splendid entertainment at his residence on Saturday evening.

Arizona Citizen, 14 Jan 1871

Coles Bashford, attorney-at-law, Tucson, Arizona
J. E. McCaffry, attorney-at-law, Tucson, Arizona
Edw. Phelps, M.D., Office on Plaza, Opposite Catholic Church, Tucson
S. W. Foreman, surveyor, Civil and mining engineer, maps ....
Pioneer News Depot and Cigar Store ... J. S. Mansfeld ...
The Pioneer Brewery, A. Levin & Co., Props., Tucson Arizona ...

Proclamation by the Governor. To All Whim It May Concern: Whereas, it having been made known to me that Charles Reidt, James Lytle and Thomas Oliver were murdered at Mission Station, in the Territory of Arizona, on the 24th day of December, A. D. 1870, by Pedro Pinto, Tomas Sanchez and Jesus Ortega, all Mixicans by birth; and whereas, This is the third act of a similar kind that has been perpetrated near this locality within the past few years by a desperate class of men who, upon the commission of said crimes, flee to Sonora, in Mexico, for safety; and whereas, The safety of the lives and property of the Citizens of the Territory imperatively requires that these outlaws shall be brought to justice and punishment; - Now, therefore, I, A. P. K. Safford, Governor of the Territory of Arizona, hereby offer a reward of one thousand dollars ($1,000), for the apprehension and delivery of the aforesaid Criminals to the proper judicial tribunal of the Territory, or one-third of said sum for the delivery of either. ...

Married. Pierson-Grant- In Prescott, Dec. 23, by Rev. M. Gilmore, D. D., U. S. Army, J. Henrie Pierson, M. D., Surgeon Vulture Mining Co., to Louis A., only daughter of James Grant, Esq.

We will sell at private sales 16 wagons, 150 set of harness, 125 good mules, 50 good horses of all work, saddles, bridles, &c.; 500 head of beef cattle; milk cows and work oxen; hogs, sheep; flour, beans, bacon, pork, tahow, dry hides, backsmith's tools; ... Hinds & Hooker

Hotels, Restaurants, Saloons, &c. Congress Hall, C. O. Brown, propiretor, in Congress Hall block, Tucson ...
The Stevens House, (formerly Levin's Hotel) Main Street, Tucson ...
Foster's Saloon (opposite Lord & Williams) Main Street, Tucson, A. T.
Hotel and Restaurant ... Joseph Neugass
Goldberg & Co, Tucson, Arizona, Dry-goods, groceries, ... clothing, wines, liquors, cigars ...

Arizona Citizen, 21 Jan 1871

Gov. Safford has pardoned David Butler, sentenced Dec. 19th. for 90 days in jail.

Mr. Fish has just received a large quanitty of sweet potatoes from Salt River. Best in the market.

Package of fruit trees received per last stage for E. L. Brown.

Sheriff Ott has appointed Col. Levi Ruggles, of Florence, a Deputy Sheriff, an appointment which will be of some benefit to the Gila folks.

A petition is in circulation praying for the commutation of the death penalty to imprisonment for life, now hanging over Anthony Dorman.

The Board of Supervisors on the petition of a number of the large tax-payers of the COunty appointed Capt. H. L. Hinds a Supervisor, in place of Senor Don Francisco Ruelas who sent in his resignation.

The Weekly Arizonian, 28 Jan 1871

Old German Bakery, George S. Hucke, Propietor, Lesinsky's Building
Jno.S. Elder, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law
Thos. P. Dufficy, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law
F. M. Hodges, keeps constantly on hand a large stock of the best brand of liquors and cigars.
J. Goldtree, Dealer in Wines & Liquors"
Henry Glassman, Butcher Shop, mutton, pork, head-cheese and sausage
Stevens House - Lunches free at the bar, The building is the same heretofore known as The Hodges House, and recently advertised as Levin's Hotel
Goldberg (Tucson) & Drachman (San Francisco), Dry goods store
William Zeckendorf, Tucson, Wholesale and retail dealers
Pioneer Mills, W. Bichard, Adamsville
Adamsville Saloon, Charles Adams
Pioneer Brewery, Tucson, A.g Levin
H Lesinsky & Co, Tucson, New goods

Notice! I have this day appointed D H Stickny my lawful Agent, to attend to all business connected with the Santa Rita Saw-Mill in my place and stead. Any arrangements made by the said D H Stickny will meet with the approbation of the undersigned. T. M. Yerkes.

Arizona Citizen, 28 Jan 1871

Arizona Official Directory
Federal Officers.
Governor, A. P. K. Safford; res., Tucson
Territorial Secretary, Coles Bashford "
Chief Just., John Titus, 1st Dist., Tucson
Associate, Isham Reavis, 2d " La Paz
" C. A. Tweed, 3d " Prescott
US Att'y, C. W. C. Rowell, Arizona city
US Marshal, Edward Phelps, Tucson
US Surveyor Gen'l, John Wasson, Tucson
Reg'r Land Office, W. J. Berry, Prescott
Receiver " George Lount, "
US Col. In. Rev, Levi Bashford, Prescott
Assessor " H. A. Bigelow, "
US Special Mail Agent, I. N. Sawley
US Depositary, C. H. Lord, Tucson
Dep'y Col'r Cust's, Jas. E. Baker, Tucson
Territorial Officers.
Attorny Gen'l, J. E. McCaffrey, Tucson
Treasurer, John B. Allen, "
Auditor, C. H. Lord, "
Adjutant General, Edward Phelps, "
Pima County Officers.
Probate Judge, John Anderson, Tucson
District Attorney, J. E. McCaffrey, "
Sheriff, H. Ott, "
Recorder, Oscar Buckalew, "
Treasurer, J. H. Archibald, "
Supervisors- Samuel Hughes, ", J. W. Sweney, ", Francisco Ruelas, "
Township Officers.
Justice of the Peace, C H. Meyers
Constable, John Miller.

Military Directory
Com'nder Dep't A. T, Gen. Geo. Stoneman
Assistant Adju't General, Col. E. W. Stone
Inspector General, Col. Milton Coggswell
Medical Director, E J Bailey
Commandants of Posts.
Camp Lowell, Col. Thos. S. Sunn
Camp Crittenden, Lieut. John F. Lewis
Camp Bowie, Col. Reuben F. Bernard
Camp Thomas, Col. John Green
Camp Grant, First-Lieut. R. E. Whitman
Camp McDowell, Col. Geo. B. Sanford
Camp Date Creek, Col. Richard F. O'Beirne
Camp Verde, Col. Harvey Browne
Camp Hualapai, Col. Frederick Van Vliet
Camp Mohave, Major Richard H. Pond
Camp Whipple, Lieut. W. L. Sherwood
Infantry Camp, Capt. Wm. McC. Netterville

Proclamation by The Governor. To All Whom It May Concern: Whereas, it having been made known to me that Charles Reidt, James Lytle and Thomas Olver were murdered at Mission Station, in the Territory of Arizona, on the 24th day of December A. D. 1870, by Pedro Pinto, Tomas Sanchez and Jesus Ortega, all Mixicans by birth; and whereas, This is the third act of a similar kind that has been perpetrated near this locality within the past few years by a desperate class of men who, upon the commission of said crimes, flee to Sonora, in Mexico, for safety; and whereas, The safety of the lives and property of the Citizens of the Territory imperatively requires that thes outlaws shall be brought to justice and punishment; Now, therefore, I, A. P, K. Safford, Governor of the Territory of Arizona, hereby offer a Reward of One Thousand Dollars ($!,000.00), for the apprehension and delivery of the aforesaid Criminals to the proper judicial tribunal ...

Jacob Wittmer, a Swede, aged about 55 years, died in extreme poverty, in Tucson, Jan. 22, 1871. He was only 16 years old when he reached the United States from the Canton of Salothern. He soon after enlisted in the U.S. army and served therein over thirty years, and was among the first cavalry that ever entered Arizona. He latterly received aid from the charitable, prominent among whom was Jacob Shaubline, Esq. We are not aware that imprudence rendered him a subject of alms.

Supposed Poisoning. A report reaches here apparently well founded, that John Kilbride, of Mohawk Station, on the Gila, died recently from the effects of poison administered by a cook. Not long since his wife left him, and it is believed to have been the work of her instigation. Just after the Mission Camp massacre, the common remark along the Gila was, "John Kilbride's turn comes next," and he seemed to feel that he was a doomed man. Threts against his life were numerous, mostly following family complications.

Hon. Reese Smith, who has fought and farmed it by turns in this county for some years, until about worn out in body and quite disgusted otherwise, informs us that the Apaches started in at his ranch above Tubac on Monday morning last (23d), and scoured along down the river past Calabasas as far as Tumocacara, where they made a success of it - shooting (through the groin doubtless fatally) a Portuguese known as 'Joe,' and getting away with four horses. Our informant says there were from ten to fifteen Indians, and that the wounded man was shot with an improved weapon. Also, that the citizens are generally leaving the valley and sending their stock to Sonora. He says two families, neighbors of his, have come to Tucson in consequence. It is useless to comment on these raids singley; the facts (all we want, speaking in paradox) are ample to send abroad nowadays.

The Weekly Arizonian, 04 Feb 1871

the brother of Capt. J. W. Hopkins arrived by last Coach from San Diego. Mr. Hopkins intends to make Arizona his future home. He will leave for Camp Crittenden in a day or two.

A Serious Accident - On Saturday night last a young man named Sweeny received a dangerous wound by falling from the roof of Mr. Fish's store, and alighting upon a stake, some 18 feet below.

Arizona Citizen, 04 Feb 1871

A. Levin, the excellent beer manufacturer of Tucson, is preparing to start an establishment in the Gila settlements, probably at Adamsville.

Col. Lewis, well known in Arizona, now resident of San Diego, we learn by a letter of Jan. 27th, is near death; that he could not then speak, and his friends had no hope of his recovery.

Thos. W. Jones, arrested on suspicion of having attempted to poison all hands at Gila Bend, was brought before Justice Meyers last Saturday, waived an examination, and was sent to jail to await the grand jury.

Good Living suits everybody, and it's some advantage to know where it can be obtained, and the object of this is to say that the place is at Frank S. Alling's Dining Hall - sign of "Shoo Fly." Last Saturday Mr. Alling received, direct from California, a great variety of rare edibles in this market. Buckweat flour, corn meal, fish, honey, fruits, &e., &e. His table is most liberally provided with the best prepared food.

Shooting on the Gila - Dr. Wilbur received a call on Thursday to repair to the Gila to repair the damage done to A. Gonzales, who was shot in the groin by Frank Griffin. The wound will probably prove fatal.
P.S. Just as we go to press, Mr. Archibald kindly handed us a letter from D. C. Thompson, showing that Jan. 31 he started a 4-mule team for hay, 15 miles distant. At nearly sun-set, the Apaches jumped three men cutting hay and loading the wagon, one man receiving a mortal wound - one white man and Papago escaping unhurt. Upon getting this report, Mr. Thompson raised a party of 12 men who went in pursuit. When 20 miles, Gonzales, above-mentioned, being under the influence of liquor became separated, and on his approach to the party, he was hailed several times, but failed to respond, leading to the belief that he was an Apache, and was shot as above stated. Mr. Thompson says the whole party justify Griffin.

Judge Isham Reavis elegantly celebrated his birthday which fell upon last Saturday. ...

W. O. Sullivan celebrated his nuptials on Thursday night, by a gay dance and a truly generous feast of the best edibles and drinkables. If the beginning of his wedded life be an index to the regular every day future of it, he will exist happily and fare plenteously, and being a good man, he deserves "all that sort o' thing."

The driver of Thursday's eastern mail brought word that early this week, a party of three men and one woman were attacked by Indians just this side of Apache Pass, resulting in the loss of their stock but no injury to their persons. Form every direction that news can be received, Apache depredations are reported.

On Wednesday night last, a party of Apaches (twenty to thirty) attempted to steal stock on the southern suburb of Tucson. The next day a small party passed west between town and the nine-mile watering-place. The Papagoes say they followed this band out into the hills - saw them there.

The sentence of Anthony Dorman is expected to be executed next Friday. Preparations therefor are making, and there seems in this instance no escape from the jury's verdict and the Court's sentence.

Married. Sullivan-Mead. February 1, 1871, in the Catholic Church, by the Rev. Father Jonvaneequ, W. O. Sullivan and Anna Mead, both of Tucson.

The Arizona Citizen comes to us. It is published at Tucson, Pima county, by an old newspaper man, John Wasson. It is a live paper, discussing with ability the issues of the day, while it does not fail to keep its readers aquainted with all matters of interest specially belonging to the Territory. We wish Wasson success in his enterprise, and if enterprise and ability are great requirements necessary to ensure it, Wasson possesses them. Vallejo (Cal.) Daily Chronicle.

The Weekly Arizonian, 11 Feb 1871

Shot by Accident. A dangerous, probably fatal accident happened to a young man named Smith, on Tuesday. While cleaning a pistol brought the muzzle to bear upon his breast, and in this position discharged it by accident, the bullet entered below the left breast and ___ somewhere in his body. He is still alive, but death seems inevitable.

Don Francisco Fererro, a gentleman now in his 70th year, recently immigrated from Hermosillo, Sonora, with his family, and intends spending the remainder of his life in Tucson. For seven years, as a captain in the army under the government of Spain, he commanded the military post which codstitued the Tucson of twenty years ago. Huis recollection of the past is most vivid; and he still points, with special pride, to various spots now within the suburbs of the city, whereon he fought and defeated the hostil savages of those days. He bears upon his person the scars of more than one conflict with his savage foes, and relates the experience of his eventful career as an officer of the army of the province and subsequently of that of the republic, with all the fervor that might have characterized the ambition of his thirtieth year.

The nomination of Herman Bendell, as Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Arizona, was confirmed by the Senate  ...

Arizona Citizen, 11 Feb 1871

Geo. Smith shot himself in the lungs, early this week. Dr. Durant attends him, and he regards the wound as dangerous.

Anthony Dorman, whose execution for the murder of Felipe Garcia, last June, was set for yesterday, will have a year or more of life so far as the law is concerned. ...

A. Gonzales, shot last week by Frank Griffin for an Apache on an Indian scout, is reported in easy condition and liable to recover.

Delinquent Tax Sale. County of Pima, Office of the District Attorney, Tucson, February 9th, 1871. The Taxes for the year 1870, upon the following described real property, having been returned to me as delinquent; on Monday, the 6th day of March, A. D. 1871, at nine o'clock A.M., in front of the Court House, in the town of Tucons, I will sell the said property at public auction, or so much of each lot as may be sufficient to pay the taxes due theron, together with the costs and expenses:
Property at Tucson and vicinity.
Fernando Asedo, house and lot ..., Santos Aguirre ..., Carlos Angelo ...,
Joseph Bedoya ..., Concepcion Borillas ..., Juan Baldez ..., Louis Burruel ..., J. Y Bryant ..., Carmel Castro ..., Juanna Camacho ..., Jesus Castro ..., Manuel Contreras ..., Ricardo Carisosa ..., Manuel Cordova ..., Lucian Celayo ..., Florentino Coto ..., Jose Castillo ..., Jesus Figaroa ..., Jose Franco ..., Eligio Franco ..., Concepcion Gonzales ..., Jose Gandara ..., Jose Gonzales ..., Lorenzo Gonzales ..., Gabriel Gonzales ..., Jesus Maria Gallego ..., Merejelda Grigalba ..., Jose Maria Grigalva ..., Juan Romero Hernandez ..., G. F. Hooper ..., Jose Jaranillo ..., Jose Leon ..., Manuel Lopez ..., Jesus Llaner ..., Ruperto Limon ..., Dionisio Martinez ..., James McQueen ..., Jesus Montijo ..., Ramon Monura ..., Viviano Morago ..., John Miller ... , Apolonio Navarro ..., Jesus Olvido ..., Ramon Ortega ..., Rafael Pacheco ..., Pacho brothers ..., Jose Maria Quintero ..., Dolores Rodrigues ..., Ant'o Rodrigues ..., Jose Romero ..., Antonio Ruis ..., Dolores Romero ..., Refugio Zubiate ..., Carmel Sammia ..., Miguel Soto ..., San Iago Soto ..., Jose Sanches ..., Trinidad Tercera ..., Rosalio Tomi ..., Carlos Talamantu ..., Antonio Urrias ..., Jesus Valencia ..., George Wesley ..., G. Guaydacan ....
Property at the Gila Settlements.
George Blair ..., Jesus Bustamente ..., Sacramento Bustamente ..., Jesus Estrada ..., Jesus Figaroa ... Adamsville ...., Victoriano Fuertes ..., Juan Largo ..., Antonio Martines ..., Manuel Martinez ..., Simon Madrid ..., Ignacio Roblido ..., Milton Ward ..., Isario Yguierra ....
Property at Other Places.
Crawford & Johnson, Cerro Colorado property ..., J. B. Forbes, house, lot, Tubac ..., P. Megery near Tubac ... W. J. Osborn at Tubac ..., L. B. Wooster near Tubac ..., Thomas M Yerkes at Santa Rita ..., Juan Bojorques at Riito ..., Trinidad Michileno at Tubac ..., Garvin, Martin & Co. at Camp Grant ..., Camwell & Mansfield at Camp Grant ..., States & Brother at Camp Grant ....

Arizona Citizen, 18 Feb 1871

District Court convenes in Tucson, Monday, march 6th. The Grad Jurors drawn are as follows: Granville Wheat, P. R. Brady, J. D. Walker, Sabino Otero, Jno. Hart, Juan Elias, Refugio Pacheco, Sam'l Hughes, J. Sawyer, W. H. Tonge, Jesus Ma. Ortiz, Emilio Carrillo, D. C. Thompson, C. W. Culver, S. Buckingham, Francisco Murillo, H. C. Long, George Totenworth, Francisco Ruellas, John Rogers, S. C. Whipple, John Owens, Jas. H. Toole, H. Clark, Petit Jurors: J. Goldberg, M. G. Gay, Wm. Zeckendorf, S. W. Chambers, E. G. Dickey, James Speedy, W. W> Price, J. B. Allen, C. O. Brown, Sam'l Hughes, Jr., M. Lesinsky, J. Metsker, H. B. Smith, C. A. Shibell, John Treutle, E. N. Fish, Geo. Cooler, Joseph Goldtree, __Preston, John Wasson, John Archibald, Wm. Kelsey, Geo. Foster, F. Marsh.

Died. Stickney - In Tucson, Feb. 17, 1871, in his 59th year, Daniel H. Stickney. The funeral will take place from the Council Chamber, Sunday, Feb. 19th, at 10 A.M. The public are invited to attend.

The Weekly Arizonian, 25 Feb 1871

Mr. Preston, photograhic artist, died of pneumonia, on Saturday. His funeral was largely attending on Sunday.

D. H. Stickney, Presiden of the council, died at his residence, on Friday, the 17th, in his fifty-ninth year. His obsequies took place on Sunday the 19th. His body was taken from the Council chamber and followed to the National Cemetery by the largest procession ever witnessed in Tucson.
Mr. Stickney was one of the early pioneers of Arizona, having come to the Territory in 1857. He was elected from Pima County to the First Legislature and has been a member of every subsequent legislature of the Territory. A man of age and experience, indentified with all the interests of the Territory and throughly conversant with htis history he was unanimously elected president of the Council at the organization of the Sixth Legislature. Universally respected for his industry and strict business integrity; as a public man esteemed for his riged adherence to principles of economy; as an early pioneer and an honorable man, holding claims upon the popsulation that sprang up around him during a lapse of many years, he leaves behind him a void which there are but few men to fill. In Mr. Stickney a good and useful man has passed away.

Arizona Citizen, 25 Feb 1871

Within eight days, five grown persons have died in Tucson, and we are informed in each case the cause was pneumonia.

Died. In Tucson, February 18, 1871, of typhoid pneumonia, JOhn Preston Prentiss, aged 30 years. From Judge Meyers, we learn that deceased was a native of Charleston, S. C. Prior to the rebellion, his family removed to Philadelphia, Pa., and engaged in mercantile business, andhe was connected with blockade runners, but in the main did not succeed well. He has been employed part of his time in Arizona as a photographer.

The Weekly Arizonian, 04 Mar 1871

A Sudden Death - One of the musicians employed at the ten-pin alley, named Passos, died while seated upon a chair playing his instrument, on Saturday night, and went off so calmly that he had been some ten minutes dead before the fact was discoverd. He suddenly ceased playing, but still retained his instrument in his hands and his upright position in a chair. His companion, after a few minutes, requested him to proceed, but receiving no answer turned his attention to the bartender and entered into conversation. A few moments elapsed when he again spoke to his companion and again receiving no answer he shook him by the arm, but with no better effect. He then examined him and found his jovial comrade of ten minutes before a lifeless form already partially cold. The suddeness of the event created much consternation among the crowd present.

Arizona Citizen, 04 Mar 1871

The household furniture of Edward Phelps is to be sold to-day by Constable Miller, to satisfy a judgment obtained in Justice Meyers' court by Anna Charvuleau.

Tucson Citizen, 17 Jul 1875

County Supervisors' Proceedings

The Board of Supervisors met last Saturday as per adjournment. Present Supervisors Fish, DeLong and Elias. Minutes of preceding days approved.

The account of A. L. Bancroft & Co. for books for district court clerk was allowed for $144.70, and two other accounts, making the whole for the day, $175.

It was ordered that Dr. J. C. Handy, county physician, report the condition of Mr. Gilbert to the Board.

It was ordered that the chairman of the Board procure the necessary timebers to repair the county jail, and that the prisoners make the repairs.

It was ordered that the building adjoining the county building on the north be rented at $40 per month for the use of the county treasurer, district attorney, probate judge and clerk of the district court.

It was ordered that the chairman of the board procure one book and two indices fro recording assignment of mortgages and one book and two indices for recording powers of attorney.

Adjourned to the 12th at 10 a.m.

On the equalization of assessments for 1875, the Board was in session several days, beginning on the 5th and closing on the 9th. Following is the increase made over that returned on the roll:
O. Buckalew on real estate from $3500 to $5000; on personal from $6,140 to 7,640.
C. O. Brown on personal from $1500 to $ 500.
Sacramento Barela on real estate from $504 to $1004.
James Blade on personal from $1500 to $3000.
R. M. Crandall on personal from $700 to $1400.
P. Carrillo on real estate from $1688 to $2138.
Geo. Cooler on real estate from $2000 to 3600.
Jesus Carrillo on real estate from $19,187 to $22,687; on personal $ 650 to $2900.
Francisco Carrillio on real estate from $100 to $300; personal $2400 to 3000.
Emelio Carrillo on real estate from $200 to $300; personal from $300 to $1000.
David Dunham on personal from $2435 to $5000.
Santiago Espinosa on real estate from $200 to $400.
Charles T. Etcherll on real estate from $2415 to 2615.
Thomas Ewing on personal from $1000 to $1875.
Merced Frederico on personal estate from $100 to $460.
J. P. Fuller on real estate from $732 to $1372; on personal $2001 to $4000.
Joseph Goldtree on personal from $2980 to $3520.
B. Garcia on real estate from $550 to $1000; personal $350 to $550.
Francisco Gomez on real estate $2050 to $250; personal $220 to $320.
L. C. Hughes on personal $1240 to $3240.
Jacob Klingenschmidt on personal from nothing to $220.
R. N. Leatherwood on personal from $1300 to $1720.
Lord & Williams on real estate from $300 to $8,888; on personal from $39,930 to $49,664.97.
Annie E. Lord on real estate from $2544 to $4444.
Fancisco Morales on real estate from $1150 to $2000.
Mafsh & Driscoll on Personal from $11,700 to $15,700.
M. L. Martinez on real estate from $1016 to $1516; on personal from $1550 to 1650.
C. A. Paige on real estate from $2130 to $2630.
Francisco Romera on personal estate from $880 to $1180.
H. S. Stevens on real estate from $8,712 to $11,212; on personal $10,600 to $14,700.
M. Alsua on real estate from $2962 to $5924.
Tully, Ochoa & Co. on personal from $52,000 to $54,015.74.
Tully & Ochoa on real estate from $4100 to $5100; on personal $16,170 to $17,570.
James H. Toole on real estate from $7,500 to $10,000.
A. Wilkins on personal from nothing to $125.
Ana C. Woffenden on real estate from $16,112 to $19,112.
A. C. Benedict on real estate from $200 to $500.
Theo. Weilsch on real estate from $6,045 to $8,045.
L. Zeckendorf on personal from nothing to $4284.
Zeckendorf Bros. on personal from $17,500 to $31,500.
R. S. Wilbur on real estate from $1200 to $2000.
D. E. Gonzales on real estate from $5600 to 20,160.
M. Gandara on real estate from $4000 to $17,280.
Patagonia Mining Company on real estate from $100 to $4000.
D. A. Sanford on personal from $3650 to $5050.
Camon Bros. on real estate from $3200 to $17,280.
A. A. Wilt on real estate from $500 to $800.
N. H. Clanton on personal estate from $145 to $1000.
J. P. Lewis on personal from $450 to $1650.
William Munson on personal from $885 to $1885.
E. N. Fish & Co. on real estate from $15,378 to $18,378; on personal from $23,900 to $32,400.
H. E. Lacy on personal from $2000 to $6,000.
Juan Elias on real estate from $2300 to $2550.
E. D. Wood & Bro. on personal $10,000 to $15,000.

The clerk was ordered to notify the several parties whose assessments were changed, to appear July 26, 1874, and show should cause why, if any they have, they not so stand.

Adjourned to the 26th.

Tucson Citizen, 03 Jan 1880

Born. At the Pima Indian Agency County, Deceber 18, to the wife of J. S. Armstrong, a daughter. Mother and child in good health.

Died. In Tucson, January 2, 1880, Elenita, infant daughter of Don Raffel Suastegui, aged 2 years, 6 months and 21 days.

Messrs. Feuillu & Gravel publish today a notice of dissolution of partnership. Mr. Gravel continues business at the old stand and Mr. Feuillu has gone to Oro Blanco to open a restaurant and saloon.

Hop Kee, heap catch'em velly nice restaurant on Warner street, near the Post Office, convenient to all men in business. Rates per month have been reduced. ...

Col. James and Messrs. Swan, Roman and Miller returned on Thursday from a trip to the Papago country, where they report several very handsome prospects. ...

Tucson Citizen, 17 Jan 1880

Died. In Hudson & Bents' Camp, Arivaca, Jan. 8, Frank Messner, of congestion of the lungs, aged 43.

Died. In Tucson, January 17, at the residence of the Vicar, Padre Juan Maria Lechere, of Florence.

Notice. Mr. John Wasson retijres from and Mr. J. S. Vosburg is admitted to membership in our firm from this date Safford, Hudson & Co. Tucson, January 1, 1880.

Chas. Isenbeck was arrested Wednesday evening on the charge of embezzlement preferred by one Briggs. The case was brought before Judge Meyers and the following circumstances developed. Mr. Isenbeck had leased the two stamp mill at Warner's and advertised to reduce milling ores at very low rates and to guarantee true returns. The said Briggs, who formerly ran the mill, gave Isenbeck some ore to crush, the said Isenbeck reduced the ore and deposited the amalgam with one of our citizens in liquidation of an old debt. When Briggs learned these circumstances he procured a warrant for the offending Isenbeck who was arrested and lodged in jail. If no new circumstances are developed in the hearing before Judge Meyers the prisoner is liable to appear before the next grand jury.

We yesterday learned of a serious accident that happened to our old friend and pioneer settler, Mr. Peter Kitchen, of Tubec. One day last week he went into a corral where his mules were tied. In some way he became entangled in the ropes and was kicked and dragged about by the animals until he was insensible. He was brought in town and his injuries examined and dressed by Dr. Handy, under whose efficient treatment we are pleased to state Mr. Kitchen is rapidly recovering.

Arizona Weekly Citizen, 25 March 1883

Don Alejandro Garcia has begun the construction of a block of store buildings at the corner of Stone Avenue and Pennington streets.
A Yuma paper states that Clint Thompson, son of the late W. W. Thompson, an old settler on the Colorado river, has been left a large fortune in Texas. Mr. Thompson is at present a resident of Tucson, and is congratulated over his good fortune.
Mrs. Jane H. McFadden, mother of James A. McFadden of this city, died in Westminster, Loas Angeles county, Wednesday morning, March 21st, aged 58 years, 6 months and 1 day. Mr. McFadden had arrived at home but a few days before the sad event occurred, and he has the sympathy of his many friends in Tucson.
Dr. N. H. Matas, of this city, was married by Judge J. S. Wood, at the residence of Wm. Oury, on Main street last Sunday evening, to Mrs. Louisa Aphold, of Brownsville, Texas. The bride arrived by the west-bound express the same evening. She is a highly accomplished lady of rare culture, and speaks several languages fluently. ...

Arizona Weekly Citizen, 01 Apr 1883

Location Notices. Blue Monday, Comobabi Mountains, Feb. 19, Dan Donaldson. Mamlias & First Chance, Red Rock, Emile Lenormand. Baker, Silver Bell, Ajo Smelting Co. Park, Silver Bell, March 10, C C Soult, Chas Rodgers. Boston, Ajo district, March 21, J W Campbell.
Deeds. S G Williams to Fred Wall and Alex Brown, 2/3 of Dorsey WSell, Myers District 5 miles south of Sunsight Mine, $100. United States to Thomas Chattman, patent to E1/2NW1/4, and SW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec24, T14,SR13E 120 acres. F Gonzales de Hernandez to John S Warner, part of lot 2, block 236, Tucson $1.00. C C Shibell to Miss Maria Rodrigues lott 11 block 127, Tucson, $139.
Miscellaneous. Lease-Francisco Ruelas to Joseph Sresovich, W1/2, lot 12, Sec 14, T 14, SR13E, 10years, $37.50 per annum. Lease-Francisco Ruelas to W R Gleason, property adjoining above, same terms. Marriage certificate-Dr. N H Matas to Mrs. Louisa Aphold. Agreement-B F Bivins with Ben P Wrigley. Bond-M G Samaniego et al to H L Caples.

Arizona Weekly Citizen, 17 Jan 1885

Demetrio Velasco, among the oldest and most respected of the pioneer merchants of Tucson, died after an illness of but eight days at his residence on the Military plaza a little after noon today, of a complication of liver disorders. His death was sudden and unexpected, being, as he was, in the prime of life, having but just turned his fortieth year. He was a native of Hermosillo, Sonora, where, beyond his immediate family, the larger portion of his relatives reside. Mr. Velasco has been a resident of Tucson for the past fourteen years or thereabouts, during which time he was either engaged in merchandising or in the forwarding and commission business. The latter occupation he was carrying on at the time of his death. He was a shrewd, practical man of business, and perhaps more familiar with the Sonora trade than any other man in this city. He leaves a wife and nine children, the eldest of whom, a sone, is 16 years of age, to mourn his great loss. The funeral will take place from the family residence, on Military plaza at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and will thence be conveyed to the cathedral where services will be held. From thence the funeral cortege will take its way to the cemetery. Mr. Velasco was an honored member of the Society of Pioneers, and that organization will, out of respect to the memory of the deceased, attend the funeral in a body. Friends and relations in Hermosillo have been telegraphed and will arrive by train tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Velasco and family have the sympathy of the entire community in this their great and irreparable loss.

Mrs. Henry, in view of the high price of water at the Quijotoa, is having built a large brick cistern capable of holding sufficient water to serve for domestic purposes from one rainy season to another. It will be cement lined, and is expected to pay for itself in the course of a few months.

Arizona Weekly Citizen, 31 Mar 1888

A surprise party to Mamie, Maud and Lillie Freeze, was given by the L. A. S., at the residence of Miss Lillie Shibell, last evening. Present: Misses Annie and Lottie Wood, Laura Hoyman, Lillie Coker, Helen Stewart, Hannah Miller, Emily Flynn, Louise Noyes, Mamie, Maud and Lillie Freeze, and Mamie and Lillie Shibell; Mrs. Shibell and Mrs. Snyder; Masters Will Smith, Herbert and Leon Wood, Bert and Otis Hale, John and Will Putnam, Fred Sweetland, Henry Aphold, George and Will Kitt. The evening passed pleasantly, playing games and dancing.

Arizona Weekly Citizen, 07 Jan 1893

Messrs. Lewis and Knight of the Denver Building and Loan association, leave for Tombstone tomorrow.
Mr. Florsheim is dangerously ill, having had a relapse and much fear is entertained as to his recovering from it.
Ed Scheiflin the original discover of the Tombstone mines, is in the city today. He still hails from Tombstone.
Miss Nelie Sutherlandl left last night for a visit to her home at Loas Angeles.
Attorney General Wilson returned yesterday from a somewhat lengthy trip to the northern part of the Territory.
Henry Aphold will begin the new year by assuming a postion in L. Zeckendorf & Co.'s grocery department.
Drs. Fenner and Armstrong have formed a professional copartnership in the practice of medicine. Dr. Armstrong will henceforth be found at Dr. Fenner's office.
Manuel Drachman, while at work yesterday in the machine shops, dropped a piece of iron on the fingers of his right hand and was so badly injured that he will be unable to work for a few days.
Edward Brinkmore and Miss Amelia Zeckendorf formerly of this city were married New Year's night at Benson. A number of friends from Tucson were present to participate in the festivities.
I. N. Towne and family left Saturday for Albuquerque, N. M., where Mr. Towne is to assume charge of the San Felipe Hotel. He has been a good enterprising and energetic citizen of Tucson for years and Albuquerque is a gainer by Tucson's loss.
Dr. John F. Foulkes of San Francisco, who had been at the San Xavier for about ten days, died December 31st of consumption, and on the following day his remains were shipped to San Francisco in charge of Mrs. Jeffries, who administered to his dying needs.
Mexican Consul Rufino Velez was starter at an exciting one hundred yard dash New Year's day on McCormick street. There were three entries and at the work "Santiago" away they flew. A large crowd had gathered opposite the Sacramento saloon to witness the finish and it was clear that Mr. Aguilar of L. Zeckendorf's & Co's furnishing department had shown a clean pair of heels to the others.
G. W. Brown of this city has received a letter from his son Eugene at Florence relating the painful circumstances of his daughter Maudie's unfortunate mishap in being quite badly bitten by an apparently mad dog which had just previously been bitten in the nose by a skunk.
M. G. Samaniego received a telegram a few days ago to visit his sister at Albuquerque, N. M., who was dangerously ill, but he was unable to respond. Last night she died at midnight. Mr. Samaniego's mother and deceased sister have been in Chicago for about a year past and only returned to Albuquerque two weeks ago on account of the ill health of the latter.
The wedding of Mr. S. W. Graves and Miss Clara Etchells was celebrated last night at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Githens officiated. THe bride looked charming in white and with the usual orange blossoms. Only a few immediate friends of the families were present and enjoyed an informal supper after the ceremony. The couple departed on the evening train for San Francisco. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. S. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Will Corbett and Mr. Herbert Tenney.
Hong Him, whose place of business is 311 Meyer street, disappeared Dec. 19 and has not been seen since. He is about 35 years old, thin featured, 5 ft. 2 in. tall, wore, when last seen, gray sack coat, blue overalls and Chinese shoes. It is feared he is out of his mind and has wandered off. Any one bringing information of his whereabouts to his brother Souy Yuen, 401 Meyer street, will receive $25 reward. Any one bringing him back to the above address will be rewared with $100.
Geo. W. Williams, in the employ of Hughes, Stevenson, & Co., yesterday received the sad intelligence of the death of his little daughter, Gladys, aged four years at St. Joseph, Mo., of typhoid fever. Mr. Williams left for Missouri this morning.

The annual meeting of the Society of Arizona Pioneers was held this afternoon at two o'clock, President Lacy in the chair. Twelve members were present. After the reading and accptance of the annual reports of the secretary and treasurer the follwoing board of officers was elected for the ensuing year: President, C. A. Shibell; vice-presidents, S. H. Drachman, of Pima, I. Polhemus, of Yuma, J. J. Devine, of Pinal; M. Wormser, Maricopa, and H. C. Hooker, of Graham; secretary, Henry Levin; treasurer, B. M. Jacobs; board of directors, S. Hughes, J. S. Mansfeld, H. E. Lacy and M. G. Samaniego.

Those who attended the rehetorical excersises at the University yesterday afternoon were given a rare treat, and all were outspoken in their praises of the work done by the first section of freshman classes. ... The first essay was by Mrs. Sarah Etchlls, a biographical sketch of John G. Whittier ... Mr. Brewster Cameron read an essay on the subject of American inventions, ... The third essay was by Miss Clara Fish, ... A historical sketch of Arizona, by Mr. Ed Heaton, ... Miss Hilda Jacobs hand an essay ...

A charming social event was the afternoon tea given yesterday by Judge and Mrs. Wright at their home on Main street in honor of Mrs. Lyster of Colorado, who is at present visiting them. ... The ladies receiving were Mrs. Wright assisted by Mrs. Nobles and Mrs. Steinfeld, ... The large table was gracefully presided over by three young ladies, Miss Suther and Miss Matas and Miss Tevis, by whom tea was poured and ice cream and cake served. Mrs. Morrison at another table attended to those who sought chocolate and wafers, and Mrs. H. Brown, Mrs. Hilzinger and Mrs. S. Drachman assisted in directing the servants ... Among those present were Dr. and Mrs. Fenner, Judge and Mrs. Lovell, Judge and Mrs. Saterwhite, Mr. Pickering, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. and Miss Finley, Mrs. Robert Paul, Mrs. John Paul and Miss Paul, Judge and Mrs. Barnes, Judge and Mrs. Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Matas, Mr. and Mrs Drake, Judge and Mrs. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Heney, Mrs. Amsa, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbon, Mr. and Mrs. Florsheim, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Davis, Mrs. and Miss Pimeroy, Mrs. Strauss, Mrs. and Miss Ezekiels, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Perry, General and Mrs. R. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Tichenor, Mr. and Mrs. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. W. Read, Mrs. Kiel, Miss Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Denslow, Mr. and Mrs. Caudron, Miss Michaelson, Prof. and Mrs. Collingwood, Prof. and Mrs. Comstock, Prof. and Mrs. Toumey, Mrs Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hughes, Prof's Hall and Boggs, Mr. R. Ford, Mr. H. Tenney, Mr. M. P. Freeman, Mr. Frank Hereford and Mr. Goldsmith.

Tombstone Epitaph, 02 Sep 1894

Dr. A. C. Wright of Benson and Miss Marie Aphold of Tucson were united in marriage at Los Angeles on Tuesday last.

Arizona Weekly Citizen, 30 May 1896

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fleishman returned home yesterday morning.
Sheriff Truman, of Pinal county, returned home last night.
Mrs. Theo Fitch and daughter left for California on Tuesday evening to be gone for the summer.
Allen and Fritz Bernard will entertain a number of their young friends tomorrow evening.
Manager Honshell, of the M. & P. railroad, is expected to return from the south about next Saturday morning. It is understood that his father is considerably better.
Judge and Mrs. Owen T. Rouse celebrated their twentieth matrimonial anniversary on Wednesday of this week. ...
On May 8th, the Citizen is informed, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. G. Frasier, of No. 506, Second street, San Francisco. Mr. Frasier will be remembered as an old time resident in Tucson and Mrs. Frasier, nee Clay, was for some time a prominent teacher in the Indian school.
Henry Aphold will be in the employ of Wheeler & Perry, and become a permanent resident of Tucson.
Miss Nellie Hall, neice of Jose Andrada, died at St. Mary's hospital, a victim of consumption. Her funeral took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock and was largely attended.

Templates in Time